VPRDJ08 ;SLC/MKB -- Documents ;6/25/12 16:11
Source file <VPRDJ08.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
TIU1(ID) | ; -- document
EN1(VPRX,TIU) | ; -- document
; Expects DFN, VPRX=IEN^$$RESOLVE^TIUSRVLO(IEN) or equivalent ; TIU = document class#, or code (CP, RA, LR) if non-TIU |
A | ; national title
B | ; other TIU data
C | ; text blocks, signatures
D | ; addenda
ENQ | ; end
USER(N,IEN,NAME,ROLE,DATE) | ; -- set author, signer(s)
SETUP | ; -- convert FILTER("attribute") = value to TIU criteria
; Expects: FILTER("category") = code (see $$CATG) ; FILTER("status") = 'signed','unsigned','all' ; Returns: CLASS,[SUBCLASS,STATUS] |
LR() | ; -- Return ien of Lab class
MATCH(DOC,STS) | ; -- Return 1 or 0, if document DA matches search criteria
MQ | ||
TYPE(X) | ; -- Return name of category type X
FileNo | Call Tags |
^TIU(8925 - [#8925] | GET1^DIQ |
^TIU(8926.1 - [#8926.1] | GETS^DIQ |