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Routine: VPRDPT

Package: Virtual Patient Record

Routine: VPRDPT


VPRDPT ;SLC/MKB -- Patient demographics extract ;8/11/11 15:29

Source Information

Source file <VPRDPT.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN(DFN,BEG,END,MAX,ID) ; -- find current patient demographics
; [BEG,END,MAX,ID not currently used]
DEM ;-demographic data
SVC ;-service data
PRF ;-patient record flags
ATC ;-address & telecom
SUPP ;-support contacts
ALIAS ;-other names used
FORMAT(X) ; -- enforce (xxx)xxx-xxxx phone format
FAC ;-treating facilities [see FACLIST^ORWCIRN]
INPT ;-current inpt status
ZPC ;-primary care [not used: GETALL not returning team members]
PC ;-primary care
XML(ITEM) ; -- Return patient data as XML in @VPR@(n)
; as <element code='123' displayName='ABC' />
ADDR(X) ; -- XML address node from X=street1^st2^st3^city^state^zip
PHONE(X) ; -- XML telecom node from X=home^cell^work numbers
LOOP() ; -- build sub-items string from NAMES and X
ADD(X) ; Add a line @VPR@(n)=X
LABELS(X) ; -- return string of attribute labels for element X

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DI(.85 - [#.85] FIND1^DIC,  GET1^DIQ
^DPT - [#2] GET1^DIQ
2.02 GET1^DIQ
2.04 GET1^DIQ
2.06 GET1^DIQ
^DIC(31 - [#31] GET1^DIQ
^DGSL(38.1 - [#38.1] GET1^DIQ
^DIC(4 - [#4] GET1^DIQ
^SCTM(404.57 - [#404.57] GET1^DIQ
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