VPRSDAF ;SLC/MKB -- SDA PRF/Alert utilities ;10/25/18 15:29
Source file <VPRSDAF.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PRFQ | ; -- Patient Record Flags query
; Expects DSTRT, DSTOP, DMAX from DDEGET ; Returns DLIST(#)=assignment ien |
PRF1(IEN) | ; -- set up one patient record flag assignment
; Returns IEN and VPRF, VPRF1H, VPRFLH arrays |
EVT | ; -- DGPF PRF EVENT protocol listener
CWQ | ; -- Crisis/Warning notes (alerts) query
; Expects DSTRT, DSTOP, DMAX from DDEGET and returns DLIST(#)=ien |
CW1 | ; -- get info for one CW note/alert
CW23 | ; -- ID Action for P23 entity
ADQ | ; -- Adv Directive query
; Expects DSTRT, DSTOP, DMAX from DDEGET and returns DLIST(#)=ien |
AD1(ID) | ; -- get info for one Adv Directive