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Package: Virtual Patient Record



VPRSDAIB ;SLC/MKB,MRY -- Integrated Billing utilities ;10/18/22 14:11

Source Information

Source file <VPRSDAIB.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
INQ ; -- Insurance query, creates VPRINS and DLIST arrays
; Expects DSTRT, DSTOP, DMAX from DDEGET and returns DLIST(#)=ien
INS1(IEN) ; -- set up one insurance record
; Returns VPRP = # in VPRINS(#) of current record
DEL ; -- ID Action for Delete entity
; Expects DIEN, AVPR seq# in FILTER("sequence")
; Returns VPRIB(#)=data nodes, VPRINS(#)=IBBAPI data elements
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