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Routine: VPSRPC21

Package: VA Point of Service

Routine: VPSRPC21


VPSRPC21 ;;DALOI/KML,WOIFO/BT - Update of Patient Demographics RPC (Continue from VPSRPC2) ;11/20/11 15:30

Source Information

Source file <VPSRPC21.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ADDRVAL(PTIEN,REC,REQLST,ILST,VRES) ; validate for required fields for address sets
; INPUT - all input parameters except PTIEN passed in by reference
; REC = incremental number assigned to each subscript built in the OUTPUT array
; REQLST = array to be used when validating the required address sets
; ILST = data passed in by Vecna (VPSLST array)
; VRES = the array to return the results of ADDRESS validation processing. Exceptions (only) made available as RPC output for client
PERMVAL(REQLST,ILST,ER) ;validate country and zip code for permanent address
; INPUT - all input parameters passed in by reference
; REQLST = array to be used when validating the required address sets
; ILST = data passed in by Vecna (VPSLST array)
; ER = array of Error Message or Empty (No error)
; 1 = success
; 0 = failed
GETZIP(CITY,COUNTY,STATE,XIP,ZIPIDX) ;get the index of XIP of permanent address
; CITY = City sent by VecNa
; COUNTY = County sent by VecNa
; STATE = State sent by VecNa
; XIP = VistA Zip Code information in array (multiple entries could exist for a zipcode)
; ZIPIDX = The selected Index of XIP containing the ZIP CODE information
; 0 = City, State, County, Country have perfect match between Vecna and Vista
; 1 = City/County/state/country doesn't match, require update
; -1 = State sent by Vecna doesn't match VistA based on the ZipCode
; -2 = Can't find default city for the zipcode
UPDZIP(ZIPIDX,XIP,REQLST,ILST) ; Change city, county, state, country of permanent address to match VistA
; ZIPIDX = The selected Index of XIP containing the ZIP CODE information
; XIP = VistA Zip Code information in array (multiple entries could exist for a zipcode)
; REQLST = array to be used when validating the required address sets - will be updated based on VistA ZIP Code
; ILST = data passed in by Vecna (VPSLST array) - will be updated based on VistA ZIP Code
CLRPERM(REQLST,ILST) ;clear permanent address
; INPUT - all input parameters passed in by reference
; REQLST = array to be used when validating the required address sets
; ILST = data passed in by Vecna (VPSLST array) to be cleared so no update will happen
CLRCCS(REQLST,ILST) ;clear zipcode, city, state, county from processing
; INPUT - all input parameters passed in by reference
; REQLST = array to be used when validating the required address sets
; ILST = data passed in by Vecna (VPSLST array) to be cleared so no update will happen
ADDERR(REC,VRES,ER) ;Add error to the result array
; INPUT - all input parameters passed in by reference
; ER = Error Message to be returned to vecna
; REC = incremental number assigned to each subscript built in the OUTPUT array
; VRES = the array to return the results of ADDRESS validation processing. Exceptions (only) made available as RPC output for client
TEMPVAL(PTIEN,REQLST,ILIST,ER) ; validate temporary address
; INPUT - all input parameters except PTIEN passed in by reference
; REQLST = array to be used when validating data
; ILIST = data passed in by Vecna (VPSLST array)
; ER = array of Error Message or Empty (No error)
; 1 = success
; 0 = failed
USVAL(REQLST,ER) ;validate US Address
; INPUT - all input parameters except PTIEN passed in by reference
; REQLST = array to be used when validating data
; ER = array of Error Message or Empty (No error)
NONUSVAL(REQLST,ER) ; validate foreign address
; INPUT - all input parameters except PTIEN passed in by reference
; REQLST = array to be used when validating data
; ER = array of Error Message or Empty (No error)
CLRTEMP(REQLST,ILST) ;clear temporary address
; INPUT - all input parameters passed in by reference
; REQLST = array to be used when validating the required address sets
; ILST = data passed in by Vecna (VPSLST array) to be cleared so no update will happen
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