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Routine: WV14PST

Package: Womens Health

Routine: WV14PST


WV14PST ;HCIOFO/FT-WV*1*14 POST INSTALL/Transfer Sexual Trauma Data to DG MST Module ;4/4/01 11:41

Source Information

Source file <WV14PST.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
DESC ; Description of post install
; This post install converts the WH Sexual Trauma data (File 790,
; Field .27) into a Military Sexual Trauma (MST) value and a Civilian
; Sexual Trauma (CST) value. The MST value is then transferred to the
; Registration package. The CST value is stored in the Women's Health
; package. The MST module tracks data for veterans only. Data for
; non-veterans is not added to the MST module. WH patients whose Sexual
; Trauma value is 'Military', 'Civilian', 'Both' or 'None' will have
; that value translated into a MST value and added to the MST module.
; WH value MST value CST value
; -------- --------- ---------
; Military Yes No
; Civilian No Yes
; Both Yes Yes
; None No No
; <null> no transfer Unknown
EN ; Run in the background
Q ; Entry point for the background job
EXIT ; Exit and clean up
START ; Loop through FILE 790
SET ; Set tmp global
CONVERT(WVST) ; Convert WH code to MST code
; Convert Military or Both to Yes.
; " Civilian or None to No.
; Ignore null.
PROVIDER(WVDUZ,WVMGR) ; Determine provider.
; Try case manager first, then try user (i.e., DUZ).
; $$GET^XUA4A72 supported API - IA #1625
REMOVE ; Remove [WV ADD TO MST] option from File Maintenance Menu
; Remove [DGMST ENTER NEW MST] option from Patient Management menu
DELETE ; Delete the SEXUAL TRAUMA field (FILE 790, Field #.27)
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