WV14PST1 ;HCIOFO/FT-WV*1*14/Print Sexual Trauma Data Transfer to DG MST Module (cont.) ;4/3/01 16:11
Source file <WV14PST1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
; Create report in mail message
HDRY | ; header for entries added to MST
HDRN | ; header for entries not added to MST
NONEY | ; no wh patient data was added to MST module
NONEN | ; no unsuccessful attempts to add MST data
YES | ; List patient data successfully added to MST module
NO | ; List patient data not added to MST module and reason it wasn't added
LINE() | ; Increment line counter by 1
FILLER(L,S) | ; Returns the number of spaces desired.
; L - larger number ; S - smaller number ; WVSPACES must be defined. |
SEND | ; Send mail message to case managers
INTRO | ; Set message introduction text