XLFDT ;ISC-SF/STAFF - Date/Time Functions ;03/27/2003 14:09
Source file <XLFDT.m>
action | A | extended action | Ea | event driver | Ed | subscriber | Su | protocol | O | limited protocol | LP | run routine | RR | broker | B | edit | E | server | Se | P | screenman | SM | inquire | I |
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
HTFM(%H,%F) | ;$H to FM, %F=1 for date only
H2F(%H) | ;Internal to this routine use
YMD | ;21608 = 28 feb 1900, 94657 = 28 feb 2100, 141 $H base year
FMTH(X,%F) | ;FM to $H, %F=1 for date only
F2H(X) | ;Internal to this routine use
H | ;Build %H from FM
HTE(%H,%F) | ;$H to external
FMTE(Y,%F) | ;FM to external
T2 | ||
FR(%V) | ;Check FM in valid range
HR(%V) | ;Check $H in valid range
FMTHL7(%P1) | ;Convert FM date/time to HL7 format
HL7TFM(%P1,%P2,%P3) | ;Convert HL7 D/T to FM.
DOW(X,Y) | ;Day of Week
FMDIFF(X1,X2,X3) | ;FM diff in two dates. if X3=1 in days, if X3=2 in seconds.
D2 | ||
HDIFF(X1,X2,X3) | ;$H diff in two dates, X3 same as FMDIFF.
HADD(X,D,H,M,S) | ;Add to $H date
A2 | ||
FMADD(X,D,H,M,S) | ;Add to FM date
NOW() | ;Current Date/time in FM.
DT() | ;Current Date in FM.
SCH(SCH,LTM,FF) | ;Find the next D/T given a schedule, start time.
WITHIN(XLSCH,XLD) | ;See if D/T is within schedule
SEC(%) | ;Convert $H to seconds.
TZ() | ;Return current Time Zone from Mailman parameter file