XMFAX ;ISC-SF/GMB-Fax ;04/08/2002 14:46
Source file <XMFAX.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
FAX(XMZ) | ; Fax a message
RECORD(AKQ,AKFAX,AKIEN,XMABORT) | ; Add record to fax file
; AKFAX Fax ID ; AKIEN Record number in ^AKF("FAX", |
RECIPS(XMZ,XMFID,XMFIEN,XMCNT) | ; Add recipients to fax record and update recipient record in mail msg.
BODY(XMZ,XMFIEN) | ; Copy the msg text to the fax text
FAXHDR(XMFID,XMFTO) | ; Print the fax header
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |