XOBSCAV1 ;oak/kec - VistaLink Access/Verify Security ;12/09/2002
Source file <XOBSCAV1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
SENDITXT | ; Do Setup and send Intro Text
LOGON | ; process login request
LOGFIN | ; check the divisions, finish login now
LOGBADCD | ; response if bad a/v code pair
LOGCVC | ; response if need to change vc
LOGSELDV(XOBDIVS) | ; response if need to select division
LOGOK | ; response if everything's looking good
LOGOUT | ; logout
CLEAN | ; logout
DIVSLCT | ; select division
DIVSLCT1 | ; success
PRODMISM() | ; returns 1 if production mismatch, 0 if not
STATMISM() | ; return 1 if primary station mismatch, 0 if not
STRPSUFF(XOBSTAT) | ; strip alpha suffix from sta# e.g. AAC "200M"
ISCPROXY() | ; c/proxy check
; returns 1 if c/proxy user, 0 if not |
CHXHDR | ; Check the xml header and add to the saml token temp global if not there.