XOBSCAV2 ;; kec/oak - VistaLink Access/Verify Security ; 12/09/2002 17:00
Source file <XOBSCAV2.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
SENDDEM | ; respond to user demographics request
SENDDEM1 | ; success
SENDDEM0(XOBTEXT) | ; failure
ELEST(ELE,ATR) | ; -- element start event handler
ELEND(ELE) | ; -- element end event handler
CHR(TEXT) | ; -- character value event handler <tag>TEXT</tag)
; -- need to concatenate because MXML parses on ENTITY characters (<>& etc.) and ; callback gets hit multiple times even though the tag text value is just one piece of data. ; (Yes, this seems kludgie!) |
SENDNVC | ; respond to "change verify code" request. Use of CVC^XUSRB per DBIA #4054
SENDNVC1 | ; send verify code update success
SENDNVC0 | ; send verify code update error
SENDNVCD(XOBDIVS) | ; send verify code partial success, need divisions
; XOBSREF: variable in which to store intro text (at one level descendant) ; XOBSCNT: integer subscript counter value at which to start storing text ; returns: XOBSREF containing <IntroText> element text with intro text lines in CDATA section ; XOBSCNT incremented to last subscript at which text was stored (if passed as dot-arg) ; |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^VA(20 - [#20] | GETS^DIQ |
^VA(200 - [#200] | GETS^DIQ |