XOBUENV ;; ld/alb - VistaLink Environment Check ; 11/15/2007 08:44
Source file <XOBUENV.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ;- entry point
ENQ | ||
PROG | ;- check environment for programmer variables
OSCHK | ;- check environment for operating system (DSM or OpenM)
STPLSTNR() | ;- ask if all listeners are stopped prior to installing package
FILE18 | ;- check for obsolete Kernel file #18 which is in VistALink's numberspace
FILE18Q | ||
ASKINSTL() | ;- ask if user wants to abort install
REASK() | ;- ask user again if they want to continue with install (pre-init will
; delete file #18) |
ASKINSTR() | ;- ask if user wants file deletion instructions
FILECHK() | ;- check for file 18
PRNTXT(TEXT) | ;- display user text
TOP | ;- top of screen
PAUSE | ;- enhance readability of text
INTRO | ;- display message to user explaining file #18
INSTR1 | ;- user instructions to delete file #18
INSTR2 | ;- user instructions to delete file #18 (continued)
OSMSG | ;- message to user if operating system is not Cache or DSM
DIRARR | ;- DIR array text
DIRHARR | ;-DIR help array text