XOBVRPC ;; mjk/alb - VistaLink RPC Server Listener Code ; 07/27/2002 13:00
Source file <XOBVRPC.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN(XOBDATA) | ; -- handle parsed messages request
ENQ | ; -- end message handler
CALLRPC(XWBPTYPE,XWBWRAP,XWBAPVER,METHSIG) | ;-- execute RPC (use Broker RPC return type & wrap flag if there)
CLEAN | ; -- clean up message handler environment
SEND(XOBR) | ; -- stream rpc data to client
GETFMT() | ; -- determine response format type
PROCESS | ; -- send the real results
ERROR(CODE,RPCNAME,PARAMS) | ; -- send rpc application error
VER() | ; -- check version and if re-authentication check is needed
; -- IMPORTANT: This tag needs updating for version numbers for each target release. ; -- This call needs only be called once per connection. ; |
VERQ | ;