XOBVRPCX ;; mjk/alb - VistaLink RPC Formatter Sink ; 07/27/2002 13:00
Source file <XOBVRPCX.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
GETVAL() | ; -- get next VALue from stream buffer
GETLEN() | ; -- get the length of the next value
GETSTR(LEN) | ; -- extracts string of length, LEN, from stream buffer and returns extracted string
READ(LEN) | ; -- read more from stream buffer but only needed amount
AV | ; -- access and verify code type (KAAJEE)
CCOW | ; -- CCOW type (FatKAAT)
DUZ | ; -- simple duz type
VPID | ; -- vpid type
APPPROXY | ; -- application proxy type
J2SE | ; -- c/s type
; -- this line should never be executed since state will ; always be authenticated ; entered for completeness |
V1 | ; -- set up security compatibility for VL v1.0 client
; (tag also called by ELST^XOBRPCI) ; |
GETVER() | ; -- get rpc version
SETVER(VERSION) | ; -- set rpc version