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Routine: XPDRSUM


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  1. XPDRSUM ;SFISC/RWF - Routine checksum utilities ; 13 Oct 95 11:21
  1. ;;8.0;KERNEL;**10**;Jul 10, 1995
  1. Q
  1. SUMA(GLO) ;This tag builds the old RSUM value
  1. ;Call with a reference to a global that has the routine
  1. N Y,%,%1,%2,%3 S Y=0
  1. F %=1,3:1 S %1=$G(@GLO@(%,0)),%3=$F(%1," ") Q:'%3 S %3=$S($E(%1,%3)'=";":$L(%1),$E(%1,%3+1)=";":$L(%1),1:%3-2) F %2=1:1:%3 S Y=$A(%1,%2)*%2+Y
  1. Q Y
  1. SUMB(GLO) ;This tag builds the new RSUM value
  1. ;Call with a reference to a global that has the routine
  1. N Y,%,%1,%2,%3 S Y=0
  1. F %=1,3:1 S %1=$G(@GLO@(%,0)),%3=$F(%1," ") Q:'%3 S %3=$S($E(%1,%3)'=";":$L(%1),$E(%1,%3+1)=";":$L(%1),1:%3-2) F %2=1:1:%3 S Y=$A(%1,%2)*(%2+%)+Y
  1. Q Y
  1. SUMC(GLO) ;This tag builds the new checksum for global
  1. ;Call with a reference to a global
  1. N Y,%,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5
  1. S Y=0,%=$NA(@GLO),%1=$E(%,1,$L(%)-1),%2=$L(%1)
  1. F %5=1:1 S GLO=$Q(@GLO) Q:GLO=""!($E(GLO,1,%2)'=%1) S %3=@GLO F %4=1:1:$L(%3) S Y=$A(%3,%4)*(%4+%5)+Y
  1. Q Y