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Routine: XQ72

Package: Kernel

Routine: XQ72


XQ72 ;SEA/MJM - ^Jump Utilities ;04/16/2002 14:02

Source Information

Source file <XQ72.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
JUMP ;Entry point for D+1^XQ and LEGAL^XQ74.
B1 ;Get the path of options and process them one by one
OUT ;Reset the stack pointer, clean up, and return to XQ
POP(XQSTPT) ;Pop one level on the stack
JUMP1 ;Check pathway for prohibitions
RXQ ;Return if XQUIT is cancelled by the application
MPW ;Multiple paths, choose shortest or best
SAMTREE ;Jump target is in the same tree, find the modified path
SOLVE(XQY1,XQJP,XQNP) ;See if and where we are on the jump path.

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: " ??",$C(7)
  • Line Location: MPW+6
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