XQCS ;SEA/Luke - Client/Server Utilities ;09/16/2016 10:11
Source file <XQCS.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
CHK(XQUSR,XQOPT,XQRPC) | ;Check to see if this user can run this RPC from
OPT | ;See if the option is there and is a broker type option
OPT1 | ;
OPTLK(V) | ;Lookup a Option in the file, Return it's IEN
RPC | ;See if rpc exsists, is registered, is locked, etc.
; I '$D(^DIC(19,XQOPT,"RPC",0)) S XQMES="No RPC subfile defined for the option "_$P(^DIC(19,XQOPT,0),U)_"." Q ; I $P(^DIC(19,XQOPT,"RPC",0),U,4)<1 S XQMES="No remote procedure calls registered for the option "_$P(^DIC(19,XQOPT,0),U)_"." Q |
RULES | ;Check the rules for this RPC
USER | ;See if XQUSR has been assigned access this option or not
TOP | ;See if XQOPT is on top level of a tree: primary, secondary, or common
DEEP | ;See if it's under the top somewhere - start with primary tree