XQSRV ;SEA/MJM - Server message processor ;06/13/2003 09:27
Source file <XQSRV.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
DIC | ;Look up option, check it's type and parameters
CHK | ;Finish checking this request out
MODE | ;Load, check, and employ Server Action Code
OUT | ;Do audit, bulletin (& reply mail), and no-user bulletin.
MESS | ;Returned in bulletins with bad parameters
1 | ;;Invalid server option name specified:
2 | ;;Invalid message number specified:
3 | ;;Invalid message subject field specified:
4 | ;;No such server option in the Option File:
5 | ;;Requested option is not a server option:
6 | ;;No such message number in the Message File (^XMB(3.9)):
7 | ;;Invalid option name, imbedded control characters in option:
8 | ;;The bulletin pointed to by this server is not in the Bulletin File (^XMB(3.6)):
9 | ;;No server action code in Option File for:
10 | ;;Security Violation: No active user or mail group connected to bulletin: