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Routine: XQT5

Package: Kernel

Routine: XQT5


XQT5 ;SEA/MJM - Menu Template Utilities ;11/17/94 08:53

Source Information

Source file <XQT5.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 1

Package Total Call Graph
Kernel 1 ^XQSET  

Caller Graph


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 1

Package Total Caller Graph
Kernel 1 XQT  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
NO1 ;Check 1st menu to see if the tree is still good
SET ;Build the ^XUTL("XQO",+XQDIC [ or "U"_DUZ]) nodes if need be
SETU ;Build the ^XUTL("XQO","U"_DUZ) nodes if need be

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,*7,"==> Your menu structure has changed. Sorry,",!?4,"you will have to recreate this template."
  • Line Location: NO1+6

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^DIC(19 - [#19] NO1+1, SET+1
^VA(200 - [#200] NO1+1, SETU+1
^XUTL("XQ" NO1+1
^XUTL("XQO" NO1+2, NO1+3, NO1+4, SET+1, SETU+1
^XUTL("XQT" NO1+6!

Label References

Name Line Occurrences
SET NO1+3, NO1+4, NO1+5

Naked Globals

Name Field # of Occurrence
^(0 NO1+1

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
DUZ NO1+1, NO1+2, SETU+1
U NO1+1, SET+1, SETU+1
>> XQCO NO1+1*, NO1+3
XQDIC NO1+2~*, NO1+3~*, NO1+4~*, NO1+5~*, SET+1
>> XQMA NO1+1*, NO1+2, NO1+3, NO1+4, NO1+5
>> XQN NO1+1
>> XQNO1 NO1+1*, NO1+2*, NO1+3*, NO1+4
>> XQPM NO1+1*, NO1+4, NO1+5
>> XQSIB NO1+1*, NO1+2, NO1+3, NO1+4
>> XQUR NO1+6
>> XQY NO1+2*, NO1+3*, NO1+4*, NO1+6
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