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Routine: XQUIT

Package: Kernel

Routine: XQUIT


XQUIT ;SEA/LUKE - Jump Utilities (Part II) ;06/23/98 11:28

Source Information

Source file <XQUIT.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
RESET ;Reset the stack to what it should be
RB ;Come here from ^XQ73 for Rubber Band jumps
T ;Come here from XQT1+14 & 33 if a template finds XQUIT while executing
PM ;Come here from XQ12 if XQUIT is encounter at logon in a primary menu
MESS ;Tell the user what's going on unless we executed XQUIT EXECUTABLE field
X ;If there is something in the XQUIT EXECUTABLE field, execute it.
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