XTRUTL1 ;ISCSF/RWF - Developer Routine Utilities Build & Install Files ;2/14/07 15:50
Source file <XTRUTL1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
BUILD() | ;This will select an entry in the BUILD file.
INSTALL() | ;This will select an entry in the INSTALL file.
RTN(IEN,FILE) | ;This will build a list of routines from the BUILD or INSTALL (FILE) file.
VER(X) | ;returns version number from Build file, X=build name
PATCH(X) | ;returns the patch number from the Build file, X=build name
PLCP(PL,N) | ;Patch list contains patch number
FileNo | Call Tags |
^XPD(9.6 - [#9.6] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^XPD(9.7 - [#9.7] | Classic Fileman Calls |