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Routine: XTVSHLP1


Go to the documentation of this file.
  1. XTVSHLP1 ;ALBANY FO/GTS - VistA Package Sizing Manager; 25-JAN-2019
  1. ;;7.3;TOOLKIT;**143,152**;Apr 25, 1995;Build 3
  1. ;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
  1. ;
  1. LNTXT ; Help Text [Extract Manager]
  1. ;;Descriptions:
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Extract Package Data - This action extracts pertinent data from the local
  1. ;; Package file and loads it into the ^XTMP("XTSIZE",$J) global. The extract
  1. ;; is added to the Extract Manager list. If an extract in the ^XTMP("XTSIZE")
  1. ;; global with the same $JOB value exists, the user is prompted to confirm
  1. ;; overwrite of the existing ^XTMP global.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Delete Extract - This action prompts the user for an extract to delete.
  1. ;; The ^XTMP extract global is selected by entry of the Process ID.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Display Extract - This action prompts the user for an extract to display.
  1. ;; The ^XTMP extract global is selected by entry of the Process ID. The
  1. ;; Display Extract list presents the extract in a user readable format.
  1. ;;$PAUSE
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Convert Extract to Parameter list - This action prompts the user for a Process
  1. ;; ID and displays the Package Parameters list. The Package Parameters list
  1. ;; includes actions to assist review of the parameters for accuracy.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Email Extract Global - This action prompts the user for a Process ID and
  1. ;; sends the ^XTMP("XTSIZE",$J) global to entered Email addresses. This
  1. ;; allows the extract to be sent to a fully patched VistA instance.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Remote VistA Extract Query - This action prompts the user for a VistA site
  1. ;; to query a Package file extract. If Forum is queried, the user has the
  1. ;; option of requesting a VistA Package size report for all packages on Forum.
  1. ;; NOTE: VistA Size Reports returned from Forum will use the Package file
  1. ;; extract (returned with the request) to calculate package sizes.
  1. ;;
  1. ;;
  1. ;; NOTE: Delete Extract, Display Extract, Convert Extract to Parameter list, and
  1. ;; Email Extract Global require an ^XTMP("XTSIZE") global to exist before
  1. ;; they may be invoked. (E.G. An extract must be listed)
  1. ;;
  1. ;;$PAUSE
  1. ;;$END
  1. ;
  1. LPTXT ; Help Text [Parameter Display]
  1. ;;Descriptions:
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Display Package Overlap List - This action compares package file and
  1. ;; prefix assignments. It reports files and prefixes that are assigned
  1. ;; to multiple packages.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Display Captioned Parameters - This action redisplays the data elements
  1. ;; in the Parameter Display in a user readable form with the data element
  1. ;; caption. The Captioned List display includes actions to edit package
  1. ;; parameters, delete packages and save changes to the Package Parameter
  1. ;; file.
  1. ;;
  1. ;;$PAUSE
  1. ;; Display Parameter File Data Map - This action lists the data elements
  1. ;; delimited by the up caret (^). It also indicates the data element
  1. ;; name and the field in the Forum system Package file where the source
  1. ;; data is usually extracted. This information can be helpful when reading
  1. ;; the Parameter file listed.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Parameter File Comparison - This action prompts the user for a Parameter
  1. ;; File to compare to the displayed Parameter File. It then lists the
  1. ;; differences between the two files.
  1. ;;
  1. ;;$END
  1. ;
  1. LPCTXT ; ?? Help Text [Parameter Compare]
  1. ;;HINTS for using the Comparison Report:
  1. ;; The 'Selected' file is the one you are reviewing. It is reported as the
  1. ;; 'SEL' file. One way to use this report is to identify updates needed in
  1. ;; the 'SEL' file and add the changes to make it the most up-to-date Package
  1. ;; Parameter file. In this use-case, the 'SEL' file might be derived from
  1. ;; the most recent VistA Package file extract.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; The 'Comparison' file can be used as a baseline from which to find changes
  1. ;; needed to create a new Parameter file. This report identifies it as the
  1. ;; 'CPR' file and differences between it and the 'SEL' file are reported.
  1. ;; One use-case is to select the most up-to-date Package Parameters file
  1. ;; and compare it to the 'SEL' (Selected) file.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; The Comparison Report answers the question: What was done to the 'SEL' file
  1. ;; to make the differences between it and the 'CPR' file? For example...
  1. ;; - If package A in the 'CPR' file has a 'File Numbers' list of '7|8|9|'
  1. ;; and the 'SEL' file does not have any files defined in the 'File Numbers'
  1. ;; list (for package A), the report would be:
  1. ;; Package: A
  1. ;; Files
  1. ;; Deleted entire list in SEL file:
  1. ;; 7|8|9
  1. ;;$PAUSE
  1. ;; This report is designed for use by package Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).
  1. ;; Package SMEs have the technical knowledge of package components to
  1. ;; cleanup incorrect parameters and add missing parameters.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; It is important to remember that new Package Parameter files may be created
  1. ;; by updating Package Parameter data derived from a Vista Package file
  1. ;; extract. When an old Package Parameter file is used for comparison [CPR],
  1. ;; it may have been previously reviewed by an SME. An SME may have corrected
  1. ;; data in the 'CPR' Package Parameter file that has long been incorrect in
  1. ;; a new VistA Package file extract. [The SME should contact the VistA
  1. ;; DBA to update the Package definition in the Forum Package File (#9.4).]
  1. ;;
  1. ;; In the above instance, the Comparison Report might indicate that data has been
  1. ;; deleted from a 'SEL' Package Parameter file. If the 'CPR' Package Parameter
  1. ;; file was updated by an SME and the data is missing from the 'SEL' Parameter
  1. ;; file, the missing data may need to be added to the 'SEL' Parameter file
  1. ;; again.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; {See the example on the following screen}
  1. ;;$PAUSE
  1. ;; For example:
  1. ;; 1) VistA Package file entry 'APP A' does not include Additional Prefix "A".
  1. ;; 2) An SME created Package Parameter file "X" from a VistA Package file
  1. ;; extract and added Additional Prefix "A" to the 'APP A' package.
  1. ;; 3) A User extracts data from the VistA Package file with 'APP A' still
  1. ;; missing Additional Prefix "A".
  1. ;; 4) The User creates Package Parameter file "Y" from the new VistA Package
  1. ;; file extract.
  1. ;; 5) A comparison of old Parameter file "X" [CPR] to new Parameter file "Y"
  1. ;; [SEL] reports that Additional Prefix "A" is missing from 'APP A' in
  1. ;; the new Package Parameter file "Y" [SEL].
  1. ;;
  1. ;; An SME analysis of Package Parameter file "Y" could determine...
  1. ;; a) Additional Prefix "A" needs to be added to 'APP A' in the Package
  1. ;; Parameter file "Y".
  1. ;; OR
  1. ;; b) Additional Prefix "A" was removed from 'APP A' in the VistA Package
  1. ;; file since the last extract, and the Package Parameter file "Y" is
  1. ;; correct.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Unless a new Package definition change has been made to VistA, the
  1. ;; correction is to add Additional Prefix "A" to Package Parameter file "Y".
  1. ;;$PAUSE
  1. ;;$END
  1. ;
  1. LPDCTXT ; Help Text [Captioned List]
  1. ;;Descriptions:
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Edit Package Parameters - This action prompts the user for a package to
  1. ;; edit. If the package is not defined, the user is prompted to add the
  1. ;; package. Selecting to add the package will prompt for the data elements.
  1. ;; Selecting to NOT add the package will prompt to display a list of packages.
  1. ;; If the selected package is defined, the user is prompted to enter the
  1. ;; data elements.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; NOTE: Rearranging data on "Additional Prefixes', 'Excepted Prefixes'
  1. ;; 'File Numbers', or 'File Ranges' is NOT a parameter edit and will
  1. ;; not be saved.
  1. ;;
  1. ;;$PAUSE
  1. ;; Save Package Parameter Changes - When edits (package add, change, or delete)
  1. ;; are made to the Parameter list, {EDITED} is displayed in the header to
  1. ;; indicate the Parameter list has unsaved edits. The Save Package Parameter
  1. ;; Changes action prompts the user to save the changes to either a new
  1. ;; Parameter file or overwrite the displayed Parameter file. If the Parameter
  1. ;; file is overwritten, it is first copied to a file of the same name with a
  1. ;; ".BAK" extension. Only one ".BAK" file is retained with the most recent
  1. ;; 'before save' copy of the Parameter file.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Delete Package Parameter Entry - This action prompts the user for a Package
  1. ;; to delete. The user is then prompted to confirm deletion. When a package
  1. ;; is deleted, {EDITED} is displayed in the header until the deletion is
  1. ;; saved to the file.
  1. ;;
  1. ;;
  1. ;; NOTE: Parameter changes are not saved to the disk file until the user either
  1. ;; invokes the "Save Package Parameter Changes" action or confirms saving
  1. ;; the Parameter file when exiting the parameter Captioned List display
  1. ;; with unsaved edits in the Parameter file.
  1. ;;
  1. ;;$PAUSE
  1. ;;$END
  1. ;
  1. LRTXT ; ?? Help Text [Package Statistics]
  1. ;;Descriptions:
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Create Text File - This action writes the displayed report to a text file
  1. ;; in the default host file directory. The default text file name is in
  1. ;; the form:
  1. ;; VistAPkgSize_{julian data/time}.txt
  1. ;; The user may change the directory where the file is written or the file
  1. ;; name at the respective prompts.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Email Rpt Attachment - This action prompts the user for Email addresses,
  1. ;; bundles the displayed Package Statistics report into a file, includes
  1. ;; the file as an attachment in the message and sends the message to the
  1. ;; recipients. The text file name is in the form:
  1. ;; VistAPkgSize_{julian data/time}.txt
  1. ;; The message indicates the creation date, attached file name and the data
  1. ;; in the file. Alternately, the file text can be sent in the message.
  1. ;;$PAUSE
  1. ;; Remote VistA Size Query - This action prompts the user for a package in
  1. ;; the selected Package Parameter file and a VistA server to query. The
  1. ;; report from the remote VistA is sent to the users' VA MailMan address.
  1. ;;
  1. ;; Swap Header - This action is available when a user readable VistA package
  1. ;; size report for ALL packages is displayed. It will toggle the header
  1. ;; area on the report screen between the "VistA Package Size Analysis
  1. ;; Manager - Package Statistics" heading and the report column headings.
  1. ;; This allows a user who has progressed beyond the first screen of the
  1. ;; report to display the column headings. The action is inactive when
  1. ;; displaying a size report for a SINGLE package or a caret (^) delimited
  1. ;; report of ALL packages.
  1. ;;
  1. ;;
  1. ;;$PAUSE
  1. ;; The Package Statistics lists the following size data for each package:
  1. ;; - Number of Routines
  1. ;; - Total size of all routines (# of characters)
  1. ;; - Number of Files
  1. ;; - Number of Fields
  1. ;; - Number of Options
  1. ;; - Number of Protocols
  1. ;; - Number of RPCs
  1. ;; - Number of Fileman Templates (Print, Sort, & Input Templates)
  1. ;;
  1. ;; NOTE: Namespaces duplicated in 'Additional Prefixes' for multiple packages
  1. ;; will not be counted in component totals for any package EXCEPT the
  1. ;; Package that has the namespace defined for the 'Primary Prefix'
  1. ;; and/or the prefix defined for the KIDS package.
  1. ;;
  1. ;;$PAUSE
  1. ;;$END