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Routine: XTVSLPR2

Package: Toolkit

Routine: XTVSLPR2


XTVSLPR2 ;ALBANY FO/GTS - VistA Package Sizing Manager; 23-JAN-2022

Source Information

Source file <XTVSLPR2.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SELLIST(SELARY,ITEMNUM,X,PARAMSTR) ; List the items for selection
; INPUT: SELARY - Array of items [passed by parameter]
; ITEMNUM - Number of items in SELARY [passed by parameter]
; X - Value entered by user [passed by parameter, will be translated to uppercase,
; value returned will be: "" - TimeOut; KILLed X - nothing selected; number - SELARY node #]
; PARAMSTR - Array of string parameters as follows:
; PARAMSTR("ADDITM") - 1 : Allow adding new item
; 2nd ^ pce = 1: Allow duplicates
; [E.G. 1 - Do not allow duplicates
; 1^1 - Allow duplicates]
; 0 : Do not allow adding new item [Default]
; PARMSTR("XTUPCASE") - 0 : Allow lowercase text [default] [Case matters]
; 1 : Convert all text to uppercase
; PARAMSTR("PATRN")) - String the defines the pattern the item text
; must match in a pattern match compare.
; [I.E. ?.ANP]
; 1 : Change user entry to uppercase
; PARAMSTR("MINLNG") - Minumum length of entered string [Default 4]
; PARAMSTR("MAXLNG") - Maximum length of entered string [Default 50]
CLNXEND(XVAL) ; Removes control chars from end & spaces from beginning and end
; INPUT: XVAL - String to clean up [Passed by reference]
; (Removes control characters and trailing spaces from a string)
PTRNDESC(PATRN) ; Pattern Description
; Returns a description string for type of string
PTRNEXT(PATRN) ; Extract PATTERN characters, Change lower case pattern codes to uppercase
BADENT(MINLNG,MAXLNG,PATRN,X) ;Evaluate X for String PATTERN and Length req's
; RESULT : 0 - entry meets requirements
; 1 - entry doesn't meet requirements

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: XTOUT=1
  • Condition for execution: (CURITMNM'=ITMCNT) !,"Press <Enter> to see more items, '^' to exit, OR" W !,"Choose 1-"_CURITMNM_": " READ XVAL:DTIME SET:'$T
  • Line Location: SELLIST+56
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Select an item from the list [Number 1 - "_CURITMNM_"]",!
  • Line Location: SELLIST+57
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