XTVSRFL ;BHAM/MAM/GTS - VistA Package Sizing Manager;
Source file <XTVSRFL.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
INIT(VALMCNT,XTVPSPRM) | ;;VistA Size Report entry point
ALL | ; Select All or Single report
SORT | ; Select Sort for All report
LOOP(DISSORT,VALMCNT) | ; Loop through all entries in the Package parameters file
DISALL | ; Set report into display array
; display option 4 & 5 have no formatting, and are used for creating spreadsheets, ; for which the following heading lines are not needed |
DAD | ; Add report lines to display array
KWIT | ; QUIT Report
PDAD(DISSORT,DATA,D1,D2,D3,VALMCNT) | ; print actual data (finally)
TALLYRPT(DISSORT,XTVSSILN,SELPKGNM) | ; Compile component totals
; INPUT: ; DISSORT - ; 1: Sorted on PACKAGE NAME [Default] ; 2: Sorted on NUMBER of ROUTINES (Highest to Lowest) ; 3: Sorted on TOTAL ROUTINE SIZE (Highest to Lowest) ; 4: Delimited (^) Data, Sorted on PACKAGE NAME ; 5: Delimited (^) Data with PARENT PKG, Sorted by PACKAGE NAME |
PKGFLCK | ; Check for Package File entries matching Parameter names, send report message
ONEPKG | ; Select a package to report
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |