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Routine: XU8P317


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  1. XU8P317 ;BP-OAK/BDT - PERSON CLASS MODIFIED; 8/19/03 5:33am
  1. ;;8.0;KERNEL;**317**;Jul 10, 1995
  1. ;Inactivate records 24 and 25.
  1. ;Edit CLASSIFICATION field for records 144 and 145.
  1. ;Edit SPECIALTY CODE field for records 144 and 145
  1. ;
  1. N FDA
  1. D INACT(24),INACT(25)
  1. CL S FDA(8932.1,"144,",1)="Resident, Allopathic (includes Interns, Residents, Fellows)" D FILE^DIE("","FDA","ZZERR")
  1. S FDA(8932.1,"145,",1)="Resident, Osteopathic (includes Interns, Residents, Fellows)" D FILE^DIE("","FDA","ZZERR")
  1. SC S FDA(8932.1,"144,",8)="01" D FILE^DIE("","FDA","ZZERR")
  1. S FDA(8932.1,"145,",8)="01" D FILE^DIE("","FDA","ZZERR")
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. INACT(X) ;
  1. N XUA
  1. L +^USC(8932.1,X,0):10 I '$T D Q
  1. .S XUA(1)="",XUA(2)=">>>Record # "_X_" locked at time of patch installaion. Could not inactivate." D MES^XPDUTL(.XUA)
  1. S $P(^USC(8932.1,X,0),"^",4)="i"
  1. S $P(^USC(8932.1,X,0),"^",5)=DT
  1. L -^USC(8932.1,X,0)
  1. Q