- XUMF4H ;CIOFO-SF/RAM - Institution File Clean Up; 06/28/99
- ;;8.0;KERNEL;**206**;Jul 10, 1995
- ;
- ;
- ;
- DSTA ; -- duplicate station #s
- RDSN ; -- deleted duplicate station number
- ;
- W !!,"This list displays duplicate STATION NUMBER (#99)."
- W !,"The action associated with this list will automatically"
- W !,"remove the value from field #99 for local and duplicate"
- W !,"entries.",!!
- ;
- Q
- ;
- ;
- LLCL ; -- local data
- ;
- W !!,"This list displays entries that are in the INSTITUTION (#4)"
- W !,"file but not in the national file."
- W !!,"This list is informational only and has no actions associated"
- W !,"with it.",!!
- ;
- Q
- ;
- NATL ; -- national
- ;
- W !!,"This list displays the Master Institutution File data.",!!
- ;
- Q
- ;
- MSTA ; -- missing station numbers
- ;
- W !!,"This list displays station numbers that are in the national"
- W !,"file but not in the INSTITUTION (#4) file."
- W !!,"This list is informational only and has no actions associated"
- W !,"with it.",!!
- ;
- Q
- ;
- AUTO ; -- auto update with national data
- ;
- W !!,"This action will automatically update the INSTITUTION (#4) file"
- W !,"with national data.",!!
- ;
- Q
- ;
- CHCK ; -- check if update is complete
- ;
- W !!,"Use this action to check if the all the required steps have"
- W !,"been performed and the clean up has completed.",!!
- ;
- Q
- ;
- ;
- NAME ; -- institution vs. national names
- ;
- W !!,"This main screen displays a side-by-side view of the INSTITUTION"
- W !,"(#4) file and the national file names by station number.",!
- W !,"LLCL - lists local station numbers to be deleted.",!
- W !,"DSTA - automatically deletes local/duplicate station numbers.",!
- W !,"NATL - lists Institution Master File entries to merge.",!
- W !,"AUTO - merges national data with local INSTITUTION (#4) file.",!
- W !,"CHCK - run this action to see pending clean up actions to perform.",!!
- ;
- Q
- ;
- EOP ; -- End-of-Page
- ;
- S DIR(0)="E"
- Q
- --- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HXUMF4H 2058 printed Feb 18, 2025@23:36:47 Page 2
- XUMF4H ;CIOFO-SF/RAM - Institution File Clean Up; 06/28/99
- +1 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**206**;Jul 10, 1995
- +2 ;
- +3 ;
- +4 ;
- DSTA ; -- duplicate station #s
- RDSN ; -- deleted duplicate station number
- +1 ;
- +2 WRITE !!,"This list displays duplicate STATION NUMBER (#99)."
- +3 WRITE !,"The action associated with this list will automatically"
- +4 WRITE !,"remove the value from field #99 for local and duplicate"
- +5 WRITE !,"entries.",!!
- +6 DO EOP
- +7 ;
- +8 QUIT
- +9 ;
- +10 ;
- LLCL ; -- local data
- +1 ;
- +2 WRITE !!,"This list displays entries that are in the INSTITUTION (#4)"
- +3 WRITE !,"file but not in the national file."
- +4 WRITE !!,"This list is informational only and has no actions associated"
- +5 WRITE !,"with it.",!!
- +6 DO EOP
- +7 ;
- +8 QUIT
- +9 ;
- NATL ; -- national
- +1 ;
- +2 WRITE !!,"This list displays the Master Institutution File data.",!!
- +3 DO EOP
- +4 ;
- +5 QUIT
- +6 ;
- MSTA ; -- missing station numbers
- +1 ;
- +2 WRITE !!,"This list displays station numbers that are in the national"
- +3 WRITE !,"file but not in the INSTITUTION (#4) file."
- +4 WRITE !!,"This list is informational only and has no actions associated"
- +5 WRITE !,"with it.",!!
- +6 DO EOP
- +7 ;
- +8 QUIT
- +9 ;
- AUTO ; -- auto update with national data
- +1 ;
- +2 WRITE !!,"This action will automatically update the INSTITUTION (#4) file"
- +3 WRITE !,"with national data.",!!
- +4 DO EOP
- +5 ;
- +6 QUIT
- +7 ;
- CHCK ; -- check if update is complete
- +1 ;
- +2 WRITE !!,"Use this action to check if the all the required steps have"
- +3 WRITE !,"been performed and the clean up has completed.",!!
- +4 DO EOP
- +5 ;
- +6 QUIT
- +7 ;
- +8 ;
- NAME ; -- institution vs. national names
- +1 ;
- +2 WRITE !!,"This main screen displays a side-by-side view of the INSTITUTION"
- +3 WRITE !,"(#4) file and the national file names by station number.",!
- +4 WRITE !,"LLCL - lists local station numbers to be deleted.",!
- +5 WRITE !,"DSTA - automatically deletes local/duplicate station numbers.",!
- +6 WRITE !,"NATL - lists Institution Master File entries to merge.",!
- +7 WRITE !,"AUTO - merges national data with local INSTITUTION (#4) file.",!
- +8 WRITE !,"CHCK - run this action to see pending clean up actions to perform.",!!
- +9 DO EOP
- +10 ;
- +11 QUIT
- +12 ;
- EOP ; -- End-of-Page
- +1 ;
- +2 NEW DIR
- +3 SET DIR(0)="E"
- +4 DO ^DIR
- +6 QUIT