XUMF5AU ;ISS/PAVEL - XUMF5 MD5 Hash API ;06/17/05
Source file <XUMF5AU.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
MD5R(STR) | ; Construct a 128-bit MD5 hash of the input.
PAD1R | ||
PAD2R | ||
PROCESSR | ; Main processing and transformation loop
INITR | ||
MD5E(ABCD,STR,PP,LL) | ; Construct a 128-bit MD5 hash of the input.
PAD1E | ||
PAD2E | ||
PROCESSE | ; Main processing and transformation loop
SAVE | ; Save buffers
ROUND1 | ; First round of transformation
ROUND2 | ; Second round of transformation
ROUND3 | ; Third round of transformation
ROUND4 | ; Fourth round of transformation
INCR | ;
SUB(A,B,C,D,X,S,AC,FN) | ; FN is 1 (F), 2 (G), 3 (H) or 4 (I)
COMB | ; Choose F, G, H or I
COMB1 | ||
COMB2 | ||
COMB3 | ||
COMB4 | ||
AND(X,Y) | ;
OR(X,Y) | ;
XOR(X,Y) | ;
NOT(X) | ;
ADD(X,Y) | ; modulo 2**32
ADDIW(M,Y) | ; modulo 2**32
ADDII(M,N) | ; modulo 2**32
ROTL(X,S) | ; rotate left by s bits
ROTLI(N,S) | ; rotate left by s bits
UI64BIT(N) | ; Convert unsigned integer to 64-bit form, little endian
; code from CORBA ULONGLONG marshaling |
UI32BIT(N) | ; Convert unsigned integer to 32-bit form, little endian
; code from CORBA ULONG marshaling |
UINT32(STR) | ; Get integer value from bits of 4-character string
; code from CORBA ULONG unmarshaling |
HEX(STR) | ; Printable hex representation of characters in string
CHR2OCT(STR) | ; convert hex string to decimal byte values
CHAR1(DIGIT) | ; convert one char to its hex value