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Routine: XUTMUSE3

Package: Kernel

Routine: XUTMUSE3


XUTMUSE3 ;SEA/RDS - TaskMan: Option, XUTMUSER, Part 4 (Help) ;9/14/94 10:10

Source Information

Source file <XUTMUSE3.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
HELP1 ;SELECT^XUTMU Subroutine--Help Message For Action Selection For "?"
HELP2 ;SELECT^XUTMU Subroutine--Help Message For Action Selection For "??"

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Pick an action to perform on the task you have selected."
  • Line Location: HELP1+1
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Enter D to find out what Task Manager is currently doing with your task."
  • Line Location: HELP2+1
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Enter ST to 'stop' your task. What this actually means is that Task Manager",!?5,"will TRY to stop your task. If the task is scheduled, waiting, being",!?5,"validated, or being prepared, then your task will be stopped."
  • Line Location: HELP2+2
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: " If your",!?5,"task is already running then it probably won't stop because the",!?5,"programmers who write your tasks don't yet know how to tell if they've",!?5,"been asked to stop. In the future, though, most of your tasks will"
  • Line Location: HELP2+3
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !?5,"stop when you ask even if they have already started running."
  • Line Location: HELP2+4
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Enter E to edit the task you've selected. This action will ask you if it is",!?5,"okay to stop the task so that you can edit it, and when you are done",!?5,"editing the task it will let you reschedule the task."
  • Line Location: HELP2+5
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: " This action",!?5,"will let you decide whether or not the task needs an output device,",!?5,"and will let you edit which output device it uses. You can also",!?5,"change the description of the task and the time it should start."
  • Line Location: HELP2+6
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Action P will let you print what the task does."
  • Line Location: HELP2+7
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Enter L to see the list of tasks that you queued."
  • Line Location: HELP2+8
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Action SE lets you select a different task to work with.",!
  • Line Location: HELP2+9
Function Call: READ
  • Formatting: !
  • Prompt: "Press RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: "
  • Variable: X
  • Timeout: DTIME
  • Line Location: HELP2+10
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Enter either RETURN or '^'",!
  • Line Location: HELP2+10
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