YS150PST ;SLC/BLD - MH Exchange Sample Code ; 10/11/18 3:01pm
Source file <YS150PST.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EXPDATE | ; export date used to update 601.71:18
PRE | ; nothing necessary
POST | ; post-init
; UPDSET^YTXCHG("TAG","RTN") will loop through the array returned by TAG^RTN ; and install the specification supplied by that Instrument Exchange entry ; name. |
MODDATA | ; Set new dates for tests listed so the GUI will reload the definition
; This is best done in the account where the build is created so that the ; original and destination accounts match. |
CHGNM(OLD,NEW) | ; Change test name
SCREEN | ; sample line to put in DATA SCREEN of KIDS build
; $$INCLUDE^YTXCHG(Y,"TAG","RTN") calls TAG^RTN to get an array of ; instrument exchange entries to include in the build. It sets Y ; to true if the entry should be included. ; |
XCHGLST(ARRAY) | ; return array of instrument exchange entries
; ARRAY(cnt,1)=instrument exchange entry name ; ARRAY(cnt,2)=instrument exchange entry creation date |
ENTRIES | ; New MHA instruments ^ Exchange Entry Date
LPSTAFF | ; Loop through instruments to set staff entry only
STAFF | ;Staff Entry Only Instruments