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Routine: YS177PST

Package: Mental Health

Routine: YS177PST


YS177PST ;SLC/KCM - Patch 177 Post-init ; 12/10/2020

Source Information

Source file <YS177PST.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EDTDATE ; date used to update 601.71:18
PRE ; nothing necessary
POST ; post-init
SETCAT(TEST,CATNM) ; add CATegory to TEST if not already there
SCREEN ; line to put in DATA SCREEN of KIDS build
; $$INCLUDE^YTXCHG(Y,"TAG","RTN") calls TAG^RTN to get an array of
; instrument exchange entries to include in the build. It sets Y
; to true if the entry should be included.
XCHGLST(ARRAY) ; return array of instrument exchange entries
; ARRAY(cnt,1)=instrument exchange entry name
; ARRAY(cnt,2)=instrument exchange entry creation date
ENTRIES ; New MHA instruments^Exchange Entry Date
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