YS187CMT ;SLC/KCM - Note titles for Case Mix Tool ; 11/18/2021
Source file <YS187CMT.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EDTDATE | ; date used to update 601.71:18
POST | ; Post-init specific to Case Mix Tool
ADTITLES(NDCL,NOTE,CSLT,STDT) | ; add new titles for Case Mix if not there
UPD71(NOTE,CSLT) | ; update titles in MH TESTS AND SURVEYS (#601.71)
DROPTST(NAME) | ; Change OPERATIONAL to dropped
XCHGLST(ARRAY) | ; return array of instrument exchange entries
; ARRAY(cnt,1)=instrument exchange entry name ; ARRAY(cnt,2)=instrument exchange entry creation date |
ENTRIES | ; New MHA instruments ^ Exchange Entry Date