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Routine: YSASLIB

Package: Mental Health

Routine: YSASLIB



Source Information

Source file <YSASLIB.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ID(YSAS) ;Identifiers for file 604, pass Y (IEN)
FUID(YSAS) ;Identifiers for file 604, pass Y (IEN) used when listing FOLLOW-UP ASI.
PID(YSAS) ;Identifiers for Patient file, #2 - pass Y (IEN)
DT(X) ;Convert date to external format
SSN(X) ;Convert ssn to external format
NEW() ;Adding New Entries - return an internal number - EXTRINSIC FUNCTION
NEW047(D0) ;Adding new sub-entry and return an internal number - EXTRINSIC
VL() ;
X(X,F,T) ;Check is X is integer or NN or XX and return truth value TO KILL X (INPUT TRANSFORM)
USI(YSADUZ) ;Unsigned Intakes, pass user's duz and return total number of unsigned intakes
USF(YSADUZ) ;Unsigned Follow-ups, pass user's duz and return total number on unsigned follow-ups
US(YSADUZ) ;Unsigned ASIs return in 2 piece string #INTAKEs^#FOLLOW-UPs
DISP(YSADUZ,YSASCLS) ;Display ASI requiring signature - pass DUZ and CLASS (ASI TYPE)
STATUS(YSAU) ;Return status of unsigned ASIs on a user.
RACE(X) ;Pass file 2 race code and return ASI race code, if possible.
REL(X) ;Pass file 2 religion code and return ASI religion code, if possible.

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !
  • Line Location: DISP+5
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !
  • Line Location: DISP+12
Function Call: WRITE
  • Line Location: INTRO+2

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^YSTX(604 - [#604] GET1^DIQ
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