YSBJSON ;SLC/DJE - Encode JSON ; Apr 01, 2021@16:33
Source file <YSBJSON.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ENCODE(XUROOT,XUJSON,XUERR) | ; XUROOT (M structure) --> XUJSON (array of strings)
SEROBJ(XUROOT) | ; Serialize into a JSON object
SERARY(XUROOT) | ; Serialize into a JSON array
SERNAME(XUSUB) | ; Serialize the object name into JSON string
SERVAL(XUROOT,XUSUB) | ; Serialize X into appropriate JSON representation
CONCAT | ; come here to concatenate to JSON string
ISVALUE(XUROOT,XUSUB) | ; Return true if this is a value node
NUMERIC(X) | ; Return true if the numeric
JNUM(N) | ; Return JSON representation of a number
UCODE(C) | ; Return \u00nn representation of decimal character value
ERRX(ID,VAL) | ; Set the appropriate error message
; switch (ID) -- XERRX ends statement |
XERRX | ; end switch
ESC(X) | ; Escape string for JSON