YTMCMI3 ;ALB/ASF,HIOFO/FT - MCMI3 ;5/1/13 10:28am
Source file <YTMCMI3.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
MAIN | ;displays the MCMI3 report text
RD | ;retrieve answer codes
VALIDITY | ;check if ok to score
RAW | ; raw scores
BR | ;base rate scores
DCA | ;disclosure adjustment
ADA | ;anxiety/depression adjust
T2 | ;non inpt/long axis1
T3 | ;inpt dur<1 week
T4 | ;inpt dur1-4
LIMIT | ;set 0-115 range
INPTAD | ;inpatient adjustment
DENIAL | ;denial/complaint
INP(YSDFN,YSDOT) | ;Determine if inpatient and duration
; Input: YSDFN = dfn ; YSDOT = date of test ; Output: piece1^piece2 ; where piece 1 = I for Inpatient or O for Outpatient ; piece 2 = duration of stay before test given ; 0 = more than 4 weeks ; 1 = less than 1 week ; 2 = 1- 4 weeks |
FMDIFF(YSX1,YSX2,YSX3) | ;Calculate number of days between admission and
WSCALE | ;calculate Inconsistent responses