Prompt: !,"Was the MCMI3 taken by ",YSNM," administered as an ",!,"(I)npatient or (O)utpatient? "
Line Location: INP+1
Function Call: READ
Variable: Y
Timeout: DTIME
Line Location: INP+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"Answer I for inpatient or O for outpatient",$C(7)
Line Location: INP+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"Was the duration of the recent Axis I Episode: ",!,"1. Less than one week",!,"2. One to four weeks",!,"3. One to three months",!,"4. Three to twelve months",!,"5. Periodic; one to three years",!,"6. Continuous; one to "
Line Location: EPIS+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: "three years",!,"7. Periodic; three to seven years",!,"8. Continuous; three to seven years",!,"9. More than seven years",!,"0. Cannot categorize"