YTQRCRD ;SLC/KCM - MH Clinical Reminder Dialog DLL Calls ; 1/25/2017
Source file <YTQRCRD.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
DLL(YTQRRSP,REQ) | ; Controller for patient select screen
OUT | ; end of switch statement
VAL(X) | ; return value from request
; expects PARAMS ( with special handling for HWND) |
SETUP(RSP,TESTNM,DFN,ORDBY,LOC,HWND) | ; set up assignment for reminder dialog
; DLL: ShowInstrument begin - initiate instrument web page ; (testNm,DFN,OrdByNm,OrdBy,AdmByNm,AdmBy,LocNm,LocIEN,AllReq) ; input: testName, DFN, orderedBy, interviewer, location, handle ; output: URL with GUID |
GUID4() | ; return a type 4 GUID (random)
GETRSLT(RSP,TESTNM,GUID) | ; get status and results for reminder dialog test invocation
; DLL: ShowInstrument end - web page completed, return result ; input: TESTNM, GUID ; output: status, scale=score..., questions... ; faComplete, faIncomplete, faCancelled, faNotStarted |
SKIPSTR(NODE,TEST) | ; return a string of skipped question identifiers
COMMIT(RSP,TESTNM,DFN,ORDBY,ADMBY,ADMDT,LOC,HWND) | ; save completed administration
; DLL: SaveInstrument(testNm,DFN,OrdBy,AdmBy,AdmDate,LocIEN) ; input: testName, DFN, orderedBy, interviewer, location, adminDate ; (use DFN + TESTNM to find the GUID) ; need to set adminDate so it syncs with the visit ; update ordBy, admBy, loc if necessary ; output: returnStatus |
CLEAR(RSP,DFN,TESTNM,HWND) | ; remove test data from reminder dialog temporary space
; DLL: RemoveTempVistaFile(testNm, DFN) ; input: testName, DFN, handle ; remove all for DFN if testName="" ; otherwise remove testName for DFN |
CLEARTST(DFN,TESTNM,HWND) | ; for DFN/HWND session, remove specific TESTNM
RPC Name | Call Tags |