YTQRQAD6 ;SLC/LLB - Determine High Risk Flagging ; 07/15/2020
Source file <YTQRQAD6.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
FLAG(DFN,INST,HRR,PR) | ; ROUTINE to calculate Positive response and High Risk flagging
; ICR #4290 READ OF CLINICAL REMINDER INDEX (PXRMINDX) ; DFN: IEN to Patient file (#2) ; INST: Instrument name in MH TESTS AND SURVEYS file (#601.71) ; INSTIEN: IEN to instrument in MH TESTS AND SURVEYS file (#601.71) ; HRR: High Risk Requirement ; # score greater than # ; A# any question with a score ># ; I9 Positive I9 question ; Y1,2,3,n. Comma delimited list of question numbers. A yes to any is HR ; YA Yes to any question ; G3^0,5^1,q^n. Comma delimited list of question#^Value for question response Greater Than Value ; T#p Can be added to any HRR parameter where # is a positive integer and ; p is the time period M months, W weeks, D day. This will be treated as ; the most recent administration of the instrument but only if the ; Ex: "Y,1,2,3,T6M" indicates Yes to Q 1,2, or 3 within the last 6 ; months. ; Ex: "Y,1,2,3,T6M-I9" is the same as the previous example except that ; a positive I9, without regard to time frame, triggers High Risk. ; HRR parameters can be combined by adding "-" between them indicating an "or" ; such as "Y,3,4,5,8-I9" ; PR: Positive Response threshold, Score greater than number passed in PR. ; Based solely on total score. Ex: 8 indicating any score greater than 8. ; YSFLAG: Will be 0 for no risk ; 1 for Positive Response ; 2 for High Risk ; 3 for Both Positive response & High Risk ; The field SUICIDE RISK (#16) in the MH ADMINISTRATION file (#601.84) will be ; populated with the result. |
FLAG2 | ;
QUEST(ADMID,INST) | ; Create core code to look at questions and answers
; Requires Administration ID (ADMID) and Instrument name (INST) as an pre-existing value. |
YTAG | ; Yes to any of specific list of questions.
YATAG | ; If Yes to any question is High Risk
ATAG | ; any question with a score > that passed in with the A# parameter.
I9TAG | ;
GTTAG | ; specific question with a score > that passed in with the GT# parameter.
; If any of the comma delimited question#>value, then YSFLAG=2 for HIGH RISK |
SETFLAG | ; Set YSFLAG into the MH ADMISISTRATION file (#601.84)
; High Risk: Score of > 8 ; Positive Response: None |
; High Risk: Score > 0 to any question ; Positive Response: None |
PHQ2I9 | ; PHQ-2+I9
; High Risk: I9 > 0 ; Positive Response: Score >2 |
PSS3 | ; PSS-3
; High Risk: Yes to any of Q1,2,3 within the last 6 months ; Positive Response: None |
PSS32ND | ; PSS-3 2ND
; High Risk: Yes to any of the questions ; Positive Response: None |
; High Risk: Yes to any of Q3,4,5,8 ; Positive Response: None |
; High Risk: Yes to any of Q3,4,5,8 or I9 > 0 ; Positive Response: None |
PHQ9 | ; PHQ9 Instrument
; High Risk: I9 > 0 ; Positive Response: Score > 9 |
PTSD5I9 | ; PC-PTSD-5+19
; High Risk: I9 > 0 ; Positive Response: None |
BDI2 | ; BDI2 Instrument
; High Risk: Question 9 > 0 |
CCSA | ; CCSA-DSM5 Instrument
; High Risk: Question 9 > 0 |
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |