- YTSMPI2U ;SLC/LLH - Score MMPI-2-RF ; 01/08/2016
- ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;**123**;DEC 30,1994;Build 73
- ;
- ;Public, Supported ICRs
- ; #2056 - Fileman API - $$GET1^DIQ
- ;
- Q
- ;
- F I=1:1:(POS-$L(STR)) S RSLT=RSLT_" "
- ;
- F I=1:1:POS S STR=" "_STR
- Q $E(STR,$L(SC),$L(STR))
- ;
- RESP ;
- S STR="||Responses |"
- I '$D(RSP) S STR=STR_"Could not create list of responses for the report|" Q
- F I=1:1:338 D
- .S NUM=RSP(I) I NUM="" S NUM="X"
- .S STR=STR_I_" "_NUM_" " I I#10=0 S STR=STR_"|"
- S TXT=TXT_"||Copyright (c) 2008, 2011 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota."
- S TXT=TXT_"|All rights reserved. Distributed exclusively under license from the University"
- S TXT=TXT_"|of Minnesota by NCS Pearson, Inc."
- S TXT=TXT_"||***eop***"
- Q
- ITEM ; report Item level information
- ;
- ;if T-Score for TSARR("SUI") above 64 D
- S SUI=$P($G(TSARR("SUI")),U,3)
- I SUI>64 D
- .S TXT=TXT_"||NOTE- The T score for the Suicidal/Death Ideation Scale (SUI) is above 64.|"
- ;
- ; if no Cannot Say questions:
- .S TXT=TXT_"|There were no unscorable responses to all the MMPI-2-RF items."
- E S TXT=TXT_"|The ""Cannot Say"" questions are "_CANTSAY
- ;
- S TXT=TXT_"||Critical Responses |Seven MMPI-2-RF scales--Suicidal/Death Ideation (SUI), Helplessness/Hopelessness (HLP), |"
- S TXT=TXT_"Anxiety (AXY), Ideas of Persecution (RC6), Aberrant Experiences (RC8), Substance Abuse|"
- S TXT=TXT_"(SUB), and Aggression (AGG)--have been designated by the test authors as having critical|"
- S TXT=TXT_"item content that may require immediate attention and follow-up. Items answered by the|"
- S TXT=TXT_"individual in the keyed direction (True or False) on a critical scale are listed below|"
- S TXT=TXT_"if his T score on that scale is 65 or higher.||"
- ;
- F TAG="SUI","HLP","AXY","RC6","RC8","SUB","AGG" D
- .I $P(TSARR(TAG),U,3)>64 D
- ..I TAG="SUI" S CRIT=CRIT_"|Suicidal/Death Ideation (SUI, T Score="_$P(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- ..I TAG="HLP" S CRIT=CRIT_"|Helplessness/Hopelessness (HLP, T Score="_$P(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- ..I TAG="AXY" S CRIT=CRIT_"|Anxiety (AXY, T Score="_$P(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- ..I TAG="RC6" S CRIT=CRIT_"|Ideas of Persecution (RC6, T Score="_$P(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- ..I TAG="RC8" S CRIT=CRIT_"|Aberrant Experiences (RC8, T Score="_$P(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- ..I TAG="SUB" S CRIT=CRIT_"|Substance Abuse (SUB, T Score="_$P(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- ..I TAG="AGG" S CRIT=CRIT_"|Aggression (AGG, T Score="_$P(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- S TXT=TXT_"||***eop***"
- Q
- ;
- F J=1:1 S X=$P($T(@TAG+J),";;",2,99) Q:X="zzzzz" S VAL=$P(X,U,3) I VAL=RSP($P(X,U)) D
- .S VAL=$S(VAL="T":"TRUE",VAL="F":"FALSE",1:"")
- .I $L($P(X,U))=2 S $P(X,U)=" "_$P(X,U)
- .S CRIT=CRIT_$P(X,U)_". "_$P(X,U,2)_" ("_VAL_")|"
- Q
- ;
- RC8 ;
- ;;12^I often feel I can read other people's minds.^T
- ;;32^I have had very peculiar and strange experiences.^T
- ;;46^When I am with people, I am bothered by hearing very strange things.^T
- ;;85^I have never seen a vision.^F
- ;;106^I have had periods in which I carried on activities without knowing later what I had| been doing.^T
- ;;122^I have had attacks in which I could not control my movements or speech but in which| I knew what was going on around me.^T
- ;;139^I often hear voices without knowing where they come from.^T
- ;;159^I have had blank spells in which my activities were interrupted and I did not know| what was going on around me.^T
- ;;179^Sometimes my voice leaves me or changes even though I have no cold.^T
- ;;199^Peculiar odors come to me at times.^T
- ;;203^My soul sometimes leaves my body.^T
- ;;216^At times I hear so well it bothers me.^T
- ;;240^I often feel as if things are not real.^T
- ;;257^I have strange and peculiar thoughts.^T
- ;;273^I hear strange things when I am alone.^T
- ;;294^I see things or animals or people around me that others do not see.^T
- ;;311^Sometimes I am sure that other people can tell what I am thinking.^T
- ;;330^I sometimes seem to hear my thoughts being spoken out loud.^T
- ;;zzzzz
- RC6 ;
- ;;14^Evil spirits possess me at times.^T
- ;;34^Ghosts or spirits can influence people for good or bad.^T
- ;;71^I believe I am being plotted against.^T
- ;;92^I believe I am being followed.^T
- ;;110^I feel that I have often been punished without cause.^T
- ;;129^Someone has been trying to poison me.^T
- ;;150^Someone has been trying to rob me.^T
- ;;168^There are persons who are trying to steal my thoughts and ideas.^T
- ;;194^I am sure I am being talked about.^T
- ;;212^I have no enemies who really wish to harm me.^F
- ;;233^People say insulting and vulgar things about me.^T
- ;;252^Someone has control over my mind.^T
- ;;264^Someone has it in for me.^T
- ;;270^At one or more times in my life I felt that someone was making me do things by| hypnotizing me.^T
- ;;287^Someone has been trying to influence my mind.^T
- ;;310^People are not very kind to me.^T
- ;;332^If people had not had it in for me, I would have been much more successful.^T
- ;;zzzzz
- AGG ;
- ;;23^At times I feel like smashing things.^T
- ;;26^When people do me a wrong, I feel I should pay them back if I can, just for the| principle of the thing.^T
- ;;41^Sometimes I enjoy hurting persons I love.^T
- ;;84^At times I feel like picking a fist fight with someone.^T
- ;;231^I can easily make other people afraid of me, and sometimes do for the fun of it.^T
- ;;312^I have gotten angry and broken furniture or dishes when I was drinking.^T
- ;;316^I have at times had to be rough with people who were rude or annoying.^T
- ;;329^I've been so angry at times that I've hurt someone in a physical fight.^T
- ;;337^I have become so angry with someone that I have felt as if I would explode.^T
- ;;zzzzz
- SUB ;
- ;;49^I have enjoyed using marijuana.^T
- ;;86^I can express my (TRUE)feelings only when I drink.^T
- ;;141^I have used alcohol excessively.^T
- ;;192^After a bad day, I usually need a few drinks to relax.^T
- ;;237^Except by doctor''s orders I never take drugs or sleeping pills.^F
- ;;266^I have a drug or alcohol problem.^T
- ;;297^Once a week or more I get high or drunk.^T
- ;;zzzzz
- AXY ;
- ;;79^I have nightmares every few nights.^T
- ;;146^Almost every day something happens to frighten me.^T
- ;;228^I feel anxiety about something or someone almost all the time.^T
- ;;275^Several times a week I feel as if something dreadful is about to happen.^T
- ;;289^I have often been frightened in the middle of the night.^T
- ;;zzzzz
- SUI ;
- ;;93^I have recently considered killing myself.^T
- ;;120^Most of the time I wish I were dead.^T
- ;;164^Lately I have thought a lot about killing myself.^T
- ;;251^No one knows it but I have tried to kill myself.^T
- ;;334^My thoughts these days turn more and more to death and the life hereafter.^T
- ;;zzzzz
- HLP ;
- ;;135^It bothers me greatly to think of making changes in my life.^T
- ;;169^The future seems hopeless to me.^T
- ;;214^Although I am not happy with my life, there is nothing I can do about it now.^T
- ;;282^My main goals in life are within my reach.^F
- ;;336^I recognize several faults in myself that I will not be able to change.^T
- ;;zzzzz
- Q
- --- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HYTSMPI2U 7428 printed Jan 18, 2025@03:21:27 Page 2
- YTSMPI2U ;SLC/LLH - Score MMPI-2-RF ; 01/08/2016
- +1 ;;5.01;MENTAL HEALTH;**123**;DEC 30,1994;Build 73
- +2 ;
- +3 ;Public, Supported ICRs
- +4 ; #2056 - Fileman API - $$GET1^DIQ
- +5 ;
- +6 QUIT
- +7 ;
- +3 FOR I=1:1:(POS-$LENGTH(STR))
- +5 ;
- +1 NEW STR
- +3 FOR I=1:1:POS
- +5 ;
- RESP ;
- +2 SET STR="||Responses |"
- +3 IF '$DATA(RSP)
- SET STR=STR_"Could not create list of responses for the report|"
- +4 FOR I=1:1:338
- Begin DoDot:1
- IF NUM=""
- +6 SET STR=STR_I_" "_NUM_" "
- IF I#10=0
- End DoDot:1
- +8 SET TXT=TXT_"||Copyright (c) 2008, 2011 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota."
- +9 SET TXT=TXT_"|All rights reserved. Distributed exclusively under license from the University"
- +10 SET TXT=TXT_"|of Minnesota by NCS Pearson, Inc."
- +11 SET TXT=TXT_"||***eop***"
- +12 QUIT
- ITEM ; report Item level information
- +2 SET CRIT=""
- +3 ;
- +4 ;if T-Score for TSARR("SUI") above 64 D
- +6 IF SUI>64
- Begin DoDot:1
- +7 SET TXT=TXT_"||NOTE- The T score for the Suicidal/Death Ideation Scale (SUI) is above 64.|"
- End DoDot:1
- +8 ;
- +10 ; if no Cannot Say questions:
- Begin DoDot:1
- +12 SET TXT=TXT_"|There were no unscorable responses to all the MMPI-2-RF items."
- End DoDot:1
- +13 IF '$TEST
- SET TXT=TXT_"|The ""Cannot Say"" questions are "_CANTSAY
- +14 ;
- +15 SET TXT=TXT_"||Critical Responses |Seven MMPI-2-RF scales--Suicidal/Death Ideation (SUI), Helplessness/Hopelessness (HLP), |"
- +16 SET TXT=TXT_"Anxiety (AXY), Ideas of Persecution (RC6), Aberrant Experiences (RC8), Substance Abuse|"
- +17 SET TXT=TXT_"(SUB), and Aggression (AGG)--have been designated by the test authors as having critical|"
- +18 SET TXT=TXT_"item content that may require immediate attention and follow-up. Items answered by the|"
- +19 SET TXT=TXT_"individual in the keyed direction (True or False) on a critical scale are listed below|"
- +20 SET TXT=TXT_"if his T score on that scale is 65 or higher.||"
- +21 ;
- +22 FOR TAG="SUI","HLP","AXY","RC6","RC8","SUB","AGG"
- Begin DoDot:1
- +23 IF $PIECE(TSARR(TAG),U,3)>64
- Begin DoDot:2
- +24 IF TAG="SUI"
- SET CRIT=CRIT_"|Suicidal/Death Ideation (SUI, T Score="_$PIECE(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- +25 IF TAG="HLP"
- SET CRIT=CRIT_"|Helplessness/Hopelessness (HLP, T Score="_$PIECE(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- +26 IF TAG="AXY"
- SET CRIT=CRIT_"|Anxiety (AXY, T Score="_$PIECE(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- +27 IF TAG="RC6"
- SET CRIT=CRIT_"|Ideas of Persecution (RC6, T Score="_$PIECE(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- +28 IF TAG="RC8"
- SET CRIT=CRIT_"|Aberrant Experiences (RC8, T Score="_$PIECE(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- +29 IF TAG="SUB"
- SET CRIT=CRIT_"|Substance Abuse (SUB, T Score="_$PIECE(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- +30 IF TAG="AGG"
- SET CRIT=CRIT_"|Aggression (AGG, T Score="_$PIECE(TSARR(TAG),U,3)_")|"
- End DoDot:2
- End DoDot:1
- +33 SET TXT=TXT_"||***eop***"
- +34 QUIT
- +35 ;
- +1 NEW J,VAL,X
- +2 FOR J=1:1
- SET X=$PIECE($TEXT(@TAG+J),";;",2,99)
- if X="zzzzz"
- Begin DoDot:1
- +4 IF $LENGTH($PIECE(X,U))=2
- +5 SET CRIT=CRIT_$PIECE(X,U)_". "_$PIECE(X,U,2)_" ("_VAL_")|"
- End DoDot:1
- +6 QUIT
- +7 ;
- RC8 ;
- +1 ;;12^I often feel I can read other people's minds.^T
- +2 ;;32^I have had very peculiar and strange experiences.^T
- +3 ;;46^When I am with people, I am bothered by hearing very strange things.^T
- +4 ;;85^I have never seen a vision.^F
- +5 ;;106^I have had periods in which I carried on activities without knowing later what I had| been doing.^T
- +6 ;;122^I have had attacks in which I could not control my movements or speech but in which| I knew what was going on around me.^T
- +7 ;;139^I often hear voices without knowing where they come from.^T
- +8 ;;159^I have had blank spells in which my activities were interrupted and I did not know| what was going on around me.^T
- +9 ;;179^Sometimes my voice leaves me or changes even though I have no cold.^T
- +10 ;;199^Peculiar odors come to me at times.^T
- +11 ;;203^My soul sometimes leaves my body.^T
- +12 ;;216^At times I hear so well it bothers me.^T
- +13 ;;240^I often feel as if things are not real.^T
- +14 ;;257^I have strange and peculiar thoughts.^T
- +15 ;;273^I hear strange things when I am alone.^T
- +16 ;;294^I see things or animals or people around me that others do not see.^T
- +17 ;;311^Sometimes I am sure that other people can tell what I am thinking.^T
- +18 ;;330^I sometimes seem to hear my thoughts being spoken out loud.^T
- +19 ;;zzzzz
- RC6 ;
- +1 ;;14^Evil spirits possess me at times.^T
- +2 ;;34^Ghosts or spirits can influence people for good or bad.^T
- +3 ;;71^I believe I am being plotted against.^T
- +4 ;;92^I believe I am being followed.^T
- +5 ;;110^I feel that I have often been punished without cause.^T
- +6 ;;129^Someone has been trying to poison me.^T
- +7 ;;150^Someone has been trying to rob me.^T
- +8 ;;168^There are persons who are trying to steal my thoughts and ideas.^T
- +9 ;;194^I am sure I am being talked about.^T
- +10 ;;212^I have no enemies who really wish to harm me.^F
- +11 ;;233^People say insulting and vulgar things about me.^T
- +12 ;;252^Someone has control over my mind.^T
- +13 ;;264^Someone has it in for me.^T
- +14 ;;270^At one or more times in my life I felt that someone was making me do things by| hypnotizing me.^T
- +15 ;;287^Someone has been trying to influence my mind.^T
- +16 ;;310^People are not very kind to me.^T
- +17 ;;332^If people had not had it in for me, I would have been much more successful.^T
- +18 ;;zzzzz
- AGG ;
- +1 ;;23^At times I feel like smashing things.^T
- +2 ;;26^When people do me a wrong, I feel I should pay them back if I can, just for the| principle of the thing.^T
- +3 ;;41^Sometimes I enjoy hurting persons I love.^T
- +4 ;;84^At times I feel like picking a fist fight with someone.^T
- +5 ;;231^I can easily make other people afraid of me, and sometimes do for the fun of it.^T
- +6 ;;312^I have gotten angry and broken furniture or dishes when I was drinking.^T
- +7 ;;316^I have at times had to be rough with people who were rude or annoying.^T
- +8 ;;329^I've been so angry at times that I've hurt someone in a physical fight.^T
- +9 ;;337^I have become so angry with someone that I have felt as if I would explode.^T
- +10 ;;zzzzz
- SUB ;
- +1 ;;49^I have enjoyed using marijuana.^T
- +2 ;;86^I can express my (TRUE)feelings only when I drink.^T
- +3 ;;141^I have used alcohol excessively.^T
- +4 ;;192^After a bad day, I usually need a few drinks to relax.^T
- +5 ;;237^Except by doctor''s orders I never take drugs or sleeping pills.^F
- +6 ;;266^I have a drug or alcohol problem.^T
- +7 ;;297^Once a week or more I get high or drunk.^T
- +8 ;;zzzzz
- AXY ;
- +1 ;;79^I have nightmares every few nights.^T
- +2 ;;146^Almost every day something happens to frighten me.^T
- +3 ;;228^I feel anxiety about something or someone almost all the time.^T
- +4 ;;275^Several times a week I feel as if something dreadful is about to happen.^T
- +5 ;;289^I have often been frightened in the middle of the night.^T
- +6 ;;zzzzz
- SUI ;
- +1 ;;93^I have recently considered killing myself.^T
- +2 ;;120^Most of the time I wish I were dead.^T
- +3 ;;164^Lately I have thought a lot about killing myself.^T
- +4 ;;251^No one knows it but I have tried to kill myself.^T
- +5 ;;334^My thoughts these days turn more and more to death and the life hereafter.^T
- +6 ;;zzzzz
- HLP ;
- +1 ;;135^It bothers me greatly to think of making changes in my life.^T
- +2 ;;169^The future seems hopeless to me.^T
- +3 ;;214^Although I am not happy with my life, there is nothing I can do about it now.^T
- +4 ;;282^My main goals in life are within my reach.^F
- +5 ;;336^I recognize several faults in myself that I will not be able to change.^T
- +6 ;;zzzzz
- +7 QUIT