YTSPHQ9 ;SLC/KCM - Score PHQ9 ; 01/08/2016
Source file <YTSPHQ9.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
DLLSTR(YSDATA,YS,YSMODE) | ; main tag for both scores and report text
SCORE(YSDATA) | ; iterate through answers and calculate score
; looks like this is in every scoring routine... ; SCOREINS^YTSCORE sets up ^TMP($J,"YSG") with scales ; if no scales are defined, we can't score instrument |
REPORT(YSDATA) | ; return special question 9 text
; this was formerly handled in YTAPI2A ; Questions: 3382 = PHQ9 question #9 ; Choices: 1008 = Several days, 1009 = More than half the days, ; 1010 = Nearly every day |