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Routine: YTSPROM

Package: Mental Health

Routine: YTSPROM


YTSPROM ;SLC/MJB- Score PROMIS29 ; 10/14/18 2:02pm

Source Information

Source file <YTSPROM.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
BRADJ1(YSRSC1) ;Adjust the Base Rate based on Scales - Physical Function
BRADJ2(YSRSC2) ;Adjust the Base Rate based on Scales - Anxiety
BRADJ3(YSRSC3) ;Adjust the Base Rate based on Scales - Depression
BRADJ4(YSRSC4) ;Adjust the Base Rate based on Scales - Fatigue
BRADJ5(YSRSC5) ;Adjust the Base Rate based on Scales - Sleep Disturbance
BRADJ6(YSRSC6) ;Adjust the Base Rate based on Scales - Satisfaction with Social Role
BRADJ7(YSRSC7) ;Adjust the Base Rate based on Scales - Pain Interference
PAD(VAL,LENGTH) ; padds the value with spaces at beginning
LDSCORES(YSDATA,YS) ; new call for patch 123 using to get T-scores

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^YTT(601.75 - [#601.75] GET1^DIQ
^YTT(601.87 - [#601.87] GET1^DIQ
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