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Routine: YTXCHGE

Package: Mental Health

Routine: YTXCHGE


YTXCHGE ;SLC/KCM - Instrument Specification Export ; 9/15/2015

Source Information

Source file <YTXCHGE.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EXPORT(TEST,DEST) ; extract test entries into DEST array
; TEST -- name or IEN of mental health instrument
; DEST -- closed array reference for destination JSON
; caller must make sure DEST is empty
LDINFO(TEST) ; load general information for instrument
; use entry from MH TESTS AND SURVEYS file (601.71)
LDCTNT(TEST) ; load question/choice content for instrument
; loop through "AD" xref in MH INSTRUMENT CONTENT for each question
; loop through "AC" xref in MH CHOICETYPES for each choice
LDSCLS(TEST) ; load scale information for instrument
; loop thru "AC" xref in MH SCALEGROUPS for each group (testId,seq,groupId)
; loop thru "AC" xref in MH SCALES for each scale (groupId,seq,scaleId)
; loop thru "AC" xref in MH SCORING KEYS for each key (scaleId,keyId)
LDRULE(TEST) ; load rule information for instrument
LDREPT(TEST) ; load the report for an instrument
LDSPEC(TEST) ; load the web entry specification for an instrument
LDVER(TEST) ; load the verify values for an instrument
; expects DEST
REC2JSON(FILE,IENS,NUMS) ; load record into JSON using MAP
; expects MAP,DEST
; FILE -- mh file number
; IENS -- IEN string (with trailing comma)
; NUMS -- array numbers for JSON array
FILEFLDS(FILE) ; return a string of fields in the file
; expects MAP
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