YTXCHGT ;SLC/KCM - JSON / Tree Conversions ; 9/15/2015
Source file <YTXCHGT.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
MHA2TR(TEST,DEST) | ; Load MHA test into DEST tree
TR2MHA(TREE,YTXDRY) | ; Save SRC tree into MHA file entries
; TREE: closed reference to node that represents 1 instrument ; YTXDRY: defined and true if this is just a dry run |
TR2JSON(SRC,DEST) | ; Convert tree representation to JSON
JSON2TR(SRC,DEST) | ; Convert JSON to tree representation
; returns 1 if converted without error ; SRC contains JSON representation ; DEST is $NA value and should be empty |
SPEC2TR(XCHGIEN,DEST) | ; Convert JSON WP entry in 601.95 to tree representation
; returns 1 if converted without error ; DEST is $NA value and should be empty |
ADDEND(XCHGIEN) | ; Process any contents in addendum
; example: {"ignoreConflicts": ["601.72:6488","601.72:6491","601.72:6734"]} |
CHKSCORE(XCHGIEN) | ; Check addendum for instruments that should be re-scored
; example: {"rescoreInstruments":["PCL-5"]} |
ADD2TR(XCHGIEN,ARRAY) | ; Load Addendum JSON into TREE
JSON2WP(SRC,DEST) | ; Convert JSON array (n) to WP array (n,0)
WP2TR(SRC,DEST) | ; Convert FM WP field to tree representation
; SRC: glvn of source array ; DEST: glvn of destination array |
TR2WP(SRC,DEST) | ; Convert tree representation to FM WP
; SRC: glvn of source array (JSON node with wp text) ; DEST: glvn of destination array (will add [line,0] nodes) |
SPLITLN(SRC,DEST,MAX) | ; Split JSON lines into lines of MAX length
TEST2WP | ; test TR2WP entry point