YTXCHGV ;SLC/KCM - Instrument Specification Validation ; 9/15/2015
Source file <YTXCHGV.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
IDXALL | ; Index all tests
ADDIDX(FILE,IEN,TEST) | ; add entry to full index
DELIDX(FILE,IEN,TEST) | ; remove entry from full index
COLLIDE(FILE,IEN) | ; return 1 if there is a collision with another instrument
; expects TSTIEN to be the IEN of the current instrument |
ISONLY(FILE,IEN,TSTIEN) | ; return 1 if TEST is only user of FILE:IEN
BLDTEST(TEST,GBLROOT) | ; Assemble IEN's used by TEST
SETP(FILE,IEN) | ; Set file,ien pair in global
; expects XCHGIDX (for cross-file index) or GBLROOT |
VERIFY(TREE,YTXERRS,YTXDELS) | ; Verify no conflicts, find records to remove
; TREE: global reference for instruments being installed ; SEQ: identifies which instrument ; ERRORS: contains up to 6 instances of record conflicts ; DELETES: lists entries that may be deleted |
CHKNODE(FILE,IEN) | ; Check to see if node belongs to same test
BELONG(FILE,IEN) | ; Return line of instruments this entry belongs to