YTXUTL ;SLC/KCM - Debug Utilities ; 9/15/2015
Source file <YTXUTL.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
QLOOP(IDFILE) | ; Repeat prompt for ID to search for usages
; IDFILE: Reference file where the ID resides |
QUSAGE(ID,IDFILE) | ; Search files for usage of QUEST
; ID: Identifier (IEN) that we are finding usages of ; IDFILE: File number -- tells which file:field map to use |
QCTYP(ID) | ; Find instruments using this choice type
QOUT(FILE,IEN,TESTP) | ; Write out using IEN, Instrument
; FILE: file number that contains the usage ; IEN: IEN of the usage ; TESTP: piece number of the instrument pointer (or S or R) |
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: READ |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^YTT(601.95 - [#601.95] | Classic Fileman Calls |