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Routine: ZTEDIT4


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  1. ZTEDIT4 ;SF/RWF - VA EDITOR ? help message ;7/9/90 07:47 ;
  1. ;;7.3;TOOLKIT;**16,120**;Apr 25, 1995
  1. K ^%Z("?") S %X=$T(QUES),^%Z("?")=$P(%X," ",2,99),%X=$T(QUESA),^%Z("?A")=$P(%X," ",2,99)
  1. F %I=1:1 S %X=$T(%+%I),%Y=$P(%X,";;",2,999) S:%X %Z=+%X,%1=1 Q:%X="" S ^%Z("?",%Z,%1)=%Y,%1=%1+1
  1. Q
  1. CHECK W !,"Checking ZTEDIT4" S A="I %Y]"""",%Y'=%X W !,""Tag: ?,"",%I,"","",%I1,"" is not the same"""
  1. S %I1=1,%I="",%X=$P($T(QUES)," ",2,99),%Y=$S($D(^%Z("?")):^("?"),1:"") X A
  1. F %=1:1 S %Z=$T(%+%) Q:%Z="" S:%Z %I=+%Z,%I1=1 S %X=$P(%Z,";;",2,99),%Y=$S($D(^%Z("?",%I,%I1)):^(%I1),1:" ") X A S %I1=%I1+1
  1. Q
  1. QUES S %NX=1 F %X=1,$S(XY]"":2,1:3) F %=0:0 S %=$O(^%Z("?",%X,%)) Q:%="" W !,^(%)
  1. QUESA S %NX="ACTION" F %=0:0 S %=$O(^%Z("?",99,%)) Q:%="" W !,^(%)
  1. % ;;
  1. 1 ;;.ACTION menu .BREAK line .CHANGE every
  1. ;;.FILE routine .INSERT after .JOIN lines
  1. ;;.MOVE lines .REMOVE lines .SEARCH for
  1. ;;.TERMinal type .XY change to/from replace-with
  1. ;;""+n Absolute line n +n To advance n lines -n To backup n lines
  1. ;; use '*' to get last line
  1. ;;
  1. ;;^NAME - to edit a GLOBAL node *NAME - to edit a LOCAL variable
  1. ;;MUMPS command line (mumps command <space> or Z command <space>)
  1. ;;
  1. 2 ;;In the line mode,
  1. ;;Spacebar moves to the next space or comma. Dot to the next char.
  1. ;;'>' To move forward 80 char or to end of line.
  1. ;;Backspace to back up one char. E to enter new char's at the cursor.
  1. ;;CR to exit enter mode, return to start of line or EDIT prompt.
  1. ;;D to delete from the cursor to the next space or comma.
  1. ;;Delete (Rub) to delete the char under the cursor.
  1. ;;CTRL-R to restore line and start back at the beginning.
  1. ;;
  1. 3 ;;In the replace/with mode,
  1. ;; END -to add to the END of a line
  1. ;; ... -to replace a line
  1. ;; A...B -to specify a string that begins with "A" and ends with "B"
  1. ;; A... -to specify a string that begins with "A" to the end of the line
  1. ;;CTRL-R to restore line.
  1. 99 ;;Bytes in routine Checksum Restore lines
  1. ;;Save lines Version #