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Routine: ZTMSH


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  1. %ZTMSH ;SEA/RDS-TaskMan: Submanager, Utility (Header Page) ;3/9/92 12:01 ;
  1. ;;8.0;KERNEL;;JUL 10, 1995
  1. ;
  1. GENERIC ;Print The Generic Header Page
  1. S %H=$H D YX^%DTC S ZTX=" UCI: "_ZTUCI_" PGM: "_$S(ZTRTN["^":$P(ZTRTN,"^",2),1:ZTRTN)_" "_Y_" ",ZTY=IOM-3\2-($L(ZTX)\2) F ZT=1:1:ZTY S ZTX="*"_ZTX_"*"
  1. F ZT=1:1:10 W !,ZTX
  1. W @IOF Q
  1. ;