This Accounts Receivable option is to assist users in focusing on
meeting the above criteria are reviewed and if necessary the appropriate
action is taken as follows:
Bill is appropriate - Update the Debt Validity Status field to 'YES'
in order that the bill is referred to DMC via
the automated process if all other DMC criteria
is met
Bill is inappropriate - Update the Debt Validity Status Field to 'NO'
and staff will cancel the bill using existing
Inappropriate bill sent to DMC - Staff to initiate action to cancel
reviewing the legitimacy of first party bills for veterans who are SC 50%
DMC collection or refund payments
using existing functionality
The report allows for the user to select the date from which to include
bills for episodes of care on the report and to select if they want the
report printed in a Detailed Format or in an Excel Delimited Format.
It is recommended that the user Queues this report to a device that is 132
characters wide.
to 100% or in receipt of VA Pension benefits. The report contains
The report will include the following data elements:
Data Elements From File #
------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Veteran's Name #2 (Patient File)
SSN (Last 4 digits) #2
Claim Number(CXXXXXXXX) #2
Claim Location(Station Number) #2
Eligibility/Effective Date #2
Bill Number #430 (Accounts Receivable)
RX Fill/Re-Fill Date. File #52 pointed to by File #350
information on veterans who meet the above criteria and have bills for
Outpatient Visit Date File #409.68 pointed to by file #350
Discharge Date File #405 pointed to by file #350
AR Status(Open/Active/Suspended) #430
DMC Referral Date #430
DMC Debt Valid (Null/PENDING) #430
Summary at bottom of report:
Total Number of Bills Referred
Total Number of unique veterans referred
episodes of care within the previous 365 days (or older selected date)
Total AR Dollars referred
Total Number of Bills
Total Number of unique veterans
Total AR Dollars
Note: When the veteran is not Service Connected 50% to 100% and is not
Receiving a VA Pension the new software will also include the
functionality to consider a veteran as Receiving a VA Pension if he/she is
receiving A&A or Housebound Benefits.
with a DMC Debt Valid field not flagged as 'YES' or 'NO' and for which the
Current Status is Active, Open or Suspended.
Authorized billing staff can run the report to ensure that all bills