The Generate A&SP Service CDR option generates and prints the RCS
You can enter a flat number of hours to be distributed among all
education/training and research accounts or you can enter hours for
each account individually. You are then asked for pass through
account hours. When entering hours for these accounts, keep in mind
the number of clinic visit hours. Do not let the number of hours
remaining go below the total number of clinic visit hours.
The A&SP CDR is an 80 column report which displays only the CDR
account numbers with activity during the date range.
10-0141 report for Audiology and Speech Pathology.
If your CDR is reported by Division, you must enter the Division
for which the report is to be generated.
You must then enter the month for which the report is to be generated.
The total number of clinic visit hours for the month is displayed. You
are prompted for the total number of paid hours.