S DIR(0)="SB^P:Patient;V:Visit",DIR("A")="Print From Which File",DIR("B")="V",DIR("?")="P=Patient; V=Visit" D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) S:Y="P" BY=".01",DHIT="W !" S DIC=$S(Y="V":"^ACK(509850.6,",1:"^ACK(509850.2,"),L=0 D EN1^DIP |
The Tailor-Made A&SP Reports option allows you to generate reports
option may not be available at all sites. If available, this option
can be a powerful tool to provide various statistical reports from
the QUASAR package. However, its indiscriminate use could have a
negative impact on system performance. Complicated sorts or reports
that could be expected to impact system performance should be queued
to run during off-hours.
with a small amount of VA FileMan training. Reports can be generated
from the A&SP CLINIC VISIT file (#509850.6) or the A&SP PATIENT file
(#509850.2). You must be familiar with VA FileMan's PRINT and SORT
functions as well as the structure of the file from which the data is
Access to this option is controlled by the ACKQ ADHOC security key.
Allocation of this key is at the discretion of the IRM chief. The