{"test":[{"content":[{"choice":[{"choiceId":3789,"choiceText":"YES, a change","ien":106538,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":3790,"choiceText":"NO, no change","ien":106539,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":3791,"choice
and memory) problems.","max":1,"min":0,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":7927,"questionText":"Less interest in hobbies\/activities","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":2},{"choice":[{"choiceId":3789
\"3. N\/A, don't know\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q7933\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"8. Daily problems with thinking and\/or memory\", \r\n \"intro\": \"T
he instrument may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to\r\n administer the AD8 to an informant, if available. If an informant is not\r\n available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to the patient. Rater\r\n
should only rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.<br \/> <br \/>
\r\n Remember, \\u0022Yes, a change\\u0022 indicates that there has been a change in\r\n the last several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c3789\",
\"text\": \"1. YES, a change\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3790\", \"text\": \"2. NO, no change\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3791\", \"text\": \"3. N\/A, don't know\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}]\r\n}","instrument":
01.91:10625","601.91:10626","601.91:10627","601.91:10628","601.91:10629","601.91:10630","601.91:10631","601.91:10632"]}],"xchg":{"date":3210316.115224,"description":"(no description)","name":"YS*5.01*172 AD8 Report","source":"MELDRUM@CAMP M
,"choiceText":"YES, a change","ien":106538,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":3790,"choiceText":"NO, no change","ien":106539,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":3791,"choiceText":"N\/A, don't know","ien":106540,"legacyVal
ue":null,"sequence":3}],"choiceDisplay":1443,"choiceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42164,"choiceTypeId":106538,"designator":3,"hint":null,"id":7923,"instrument":238,"introDisplay":1470,"introId":2371,"introText":"The instrument may be
self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to administer the AD8 to an informant, \r\nif available. If an informant is not available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to the patient. Rater should \r\nonly rate changes
in the patient due to cognitive problems.| |\r\n \r\nRemember, \"Yes, a change\" indicates that there has been a change in the\r\nlast several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.","max":1,"min":0,"questionDisplay":147
0,"questionId":7928,"questionText":"Repeats the same things over and over (questions, stories, or statements)","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":3},{"choice":[{"choiceId":3789,"choiceText":"YES, a ch
ange","ien":106538,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":3790,"choiceText":"NO, no change","ien":106539,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":3791,"choiceText":"N\/A, don't know","ien":106540,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":3}],
1470,"introId":2371,"introText":"The instrument may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to administer the AD8 to an informant, \r\nif available. If an informant is not available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administ
ered to the patient. Rater should \r\nonly rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.| |\r\n \r\nRemember, \"Yes, a change\" indicates that there has been a change in the\r\nlast several years caused by cognitive (thinking and m
Text":"N\/A, don't know","ien":106540,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":3}],"choiceDisplay":1443,"choiceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42164,"choiceTypeId":106538,"designator":1,"hint":null,"id":7921,"instrument":238,"introDisplay":1470,"i
emory) problems.","max":1,"min":0,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":7929,"questionText":"Trouble learning how to use a tool, appliance, or gadget (e.g., VCR, computer, microwave, remote control)","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"respon
seTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":4},{"choice":[{"choiceId":3789,"choiceText":"YES, a change","ien":106538,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":3790,"choiceText":"NO, no change","ien":106539,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":2},{"choiceI
d":3791,"choiceText":"N\/A, don't know","ien":106540,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":3}],"choiceDisplay":1443,"choiceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42164,"choiceTypeId":106538,"designator":5,"hint":null,"id":7925,"instrument":238,"introD
isplay":1470,"introId":2371,"introText":"The instrument may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to administer the AD8 to an informant, \r\nif available. If an informant is not available, the AD8 questionnaire may be
administered to the patient. Rater should \r\nonly rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.| |\r\n \r\nRemember, \"Yes, a change\" indicates that there has been a change in the\r\nlast several years caused by cognitive (thinki
ng and memory) problems.","max":1,"min":0,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":7930,"questionText":"Forgets correct month or year","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":5},{"choice":[{"choiceId":3789,"cho
iceText":"YES, a change","ien":106538,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":3790,"choiceText":"NO, no change","ien":106539,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":3791,"choiceText":"N\/A, don't know","ien":106540,"legacyValue":n
ull,"sequence":3}],"choiceDisplay":1443,"choiceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42164,"choiceTypeId":106538,"designator":6,"hint":null,"id":7926,"instrument":238,"introDisplay":1470,"introId":2371,"introText":"The instrument may be self-
administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to administer the AD8 to an informant, \r\nif available. If an informant is not available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to the patient. Rater should \r\nonly rate changes in t
he patient due to cognitive problems.| |\r\n \r\nRemember, \"Yes, a change\" indicates that there has been a change in the\r\nlast several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.","max":1,"min":0,"questionDisplay":1470,"qu
ntroId":2371,"introText":"The instrument may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to administer the AD8 to an informant, \r\nif available. If an informant is not available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to
estionId":7931,"questionText":"Trouble handling complicated financial affairs (e.g., balancing checkbook, income taxes, paying bills)","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":6},{"choice":[{"choiceId":3789
,"choiceText":"YES, a change","ien":106538,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":3790,"choiceText":"NO, no change","ien":106539,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":3791,"choiceText":"N\/A, don't know","ien":106540,"legacyVal
ue":null,"sequence":3}],"choiceDisplay":1443,"choiceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42164,"choiceTypeId":106538,"designator":7,"hint":null,"id":7927,"instrument":238,"introDisplay":1470,"introId":2371,"introText":"The instrument may be
self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to administer the AD8 to an informant, \r\nif available. If an informant is not available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to the patient. Rater should \r\nonly rate changes
in the patient due to cognitive problems.| |\r\n \r\nRemember, \"Yes, a change\" indicates that there has been a change in the
\r\nlast several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.","max":1,"min":0,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":7932,"questionText":"Trouble remembering appointments","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MC
HOICE","sequence":7},{"choice":[{"choiceId":3789,"choiceText":"YES, a change","ien":106538,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":3790,"choiceText":"NO, no change","ien":106539,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":3791,"choice
Text":"N\/A, don't know","ien":106540,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":3}],"choiceDisplay":1443,"choiceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42164,"choiceTypeId":106538,"designator":8,"hint":null,"id":7928,"instrument":238,"introDisplay":1470,"i
ntroId":2371,"introText":"The instrument may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to administer the AD8 to an informant, \r\nif available. If an informant is not available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to
the patient. Rater should \r\nonly rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.| |\r\n \r\nRemember, \"Yes, a change\" indicates that there has been a change in the\r\nlast several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory)
the patient. Rater should \r\nonly rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.| |\r\n \r\nRemember, \"Yes, a change\" indicates that there has been a change in the\r\nlast several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory)
problems.","max":1,"min":0,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":7933,"questionText":"Daily problems with thinking and\/or memory","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":8}],"display":[{"alignment":"L","col
umns":1,"component":"RA","fontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindowText","fontItalic":false,"fontName":"MS Sans Serif","fontSize":10,"fontUnderlined":false,"id":1443,"left":10,"mask":"577|||"},{"alignment":"L","columns":null,"component":null,"f
ontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindowText","fontItalic":false,"fontName":"MS Sans Serif","fontSize":10,"fontUnderlined":false,"id":1470,"left":2,"mask":null}],"info":{"author":null,"auxDate":null,"auxVersion":null,"copyrightText":"Copyright
2005. The AD8 is a copyrighted instrument of the Knight Alzheimer Disease Research Center, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced with permission","copyrighted":true,"dllDate":null,"dllVersion":null,"ent
printTitle":"Ascertain Dementia 8-item Informant Questionnaire (AD8)","publicationDate":null,"publisher":null,"purpose":null,"reference":"Galvin JE et al, The AD8, a brief informant interview to detect dementia, Neurology 2005:65:559-564","
38,"template":"|Ascertain Dementia 8-item Informant Questionnaire (AD8)|\r\n| Date Given: <.Date_Given.>\r\n| Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.> \r\n| Location: <.Location.>| \r\n| Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.> \r\n|
SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>\r\n| DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)\r\n| Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>| \r\n|AD8 Dementia Rating Score: <-AD8 TOTAL->, suggesting <*Answer_7771*>|\r\n|AD8 Screening scores range from 0-8, with sc
ores in the 0-1 range suggesting\r\n|\"NORMAL COGNITION\" and scores 2 or greater suggesting \"COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT IS\r\n|LIKELY TO BE PRESENT.\"\r\n||Note: Scores in the impaired range indicate a need for further diagnostic\r\n|assessment
problems.","max":1,"min":0,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":7926,"questionText":"Problems with judgement (e.g., problems making decisions, bad financial \r\ndecisions, problems with thinking)","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"response
. Scores in the \"normal\" range suggest that a dementing disorder\r\n|is unlikely, but a very early disease process cannot be ruled out.|\r\n|Question and Answers:|\r\n| 1. Problems with judgement (e.g., problems making decisions, bad fin
ancial\r\n| decisions, problems with thinking)\r\n| <*Answer_7926*>\r\n| 2. Less interest in hobbies\/activities\r\n| <*Answer_7927*>
\r\n| 3. Repeats the same things over and over (questions, stories, or statements)\r\n| <*Answer_7928*>\r\n| 4. Trouble learning how to use a tool, appliance, or gadget (e.g., VCR,\r\n| computer, microwave, remote control)\r\n|
<*Answer_7929*>\r\n| 5. Forgets correct month or year\r\n| <*Answer_7930*>\r\n| 6. Trouble handling complicated financial affairs (e.g., balancing\r\n| checkbook, income taxes, paying bills)\r\n| <*Answer_7931*>\r\n| 7. Tro
uble remembering appointments\r\n| <*Answer_7932*>\r\n| 8. Daily problems with thinking and\/or memory\r\n| <*Answer_7933*>\r\n| \r\n|Copyright 2005. The AD8 is a copyrighted instrument of the Knight Alzheimer\r\n|Disease Research
Center, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.\r\n|All Rights Reserved. Reproduced with permission|\r\n|Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment\r\n|and is not sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purpo
ses. Assessment\r\n|results should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with\r\n|other diagnostic activities."},"scaleGroup":[{"grid1":null,"grid2":null,"grid3":null,"id":261,"instrument":238,"name":"AD8","ordInc":1,"ordMax":8,"
ordMin":0,"ordTitle":"AD8","scale":[{"groupId":261,"id":1098,"name":"AD8 TOTAL","scoringKey":[{"id":10609,"questionId":7926,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"YES, a change","value":1},{"id":10610,"questionId":7926,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"NO
, no change","value":0},{"id":10611,"questionId":7926,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"N\/A, don't know","value":0},{"id":10612,"questionId":7927,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"YES, a change","value":1},{"id":10613,"questionId":7927,"scaleId":109
8,"targetText":"NO, no change","value":0},{"id":10614,"questionId":7927,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"N\/A, don't know","value":0},{"id":10615,"questionId":7928,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"YES, a change","value":1},{"id":10616,"questionId":
TypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":1},{"choice":[{"choiceId":3789,"choiceText":"YES, a change","ien":106538,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":3790,"choiceText":"NO, no change","ien":106539,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":2},{"choiceId"
7928,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"NO, no change","value":0},{"id":10617,"questionId":7928,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"N\/A, don't know","value":0},{"id":10618,"questionId":7929,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"YES, a change","value":1},{"id":1
0619,"questionId":7929,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"NO, no change","value":0},{"id":10620,"questionId":7929,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"N\/A, don't know","value":0},{"id":10621,"questionId":7930,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"YES, a change",
"value":1},{"id":10622,"questionId":7930,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"NO, no change","value":0},{"id":10623,"questionId":7930,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"N\/A, don't know","value":0},{"id":10624,"questionId":7931,"scaleId":1098,"targetText
":"YES, a change","value":1},{"id":10625,"questionId":7931,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"NO, no change","value":0},{"id":10626,"questionId":7931,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"N\/A, don't know","value":0},{"id":10627,"questionId":7932,"scaleId
":1098,"targetText":"YES, a change","value":1},{"id":10628,"questionId":7932,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"NO, no change","value":0},{"id":10629,"questionId":7932,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"N\/A, don't know","value":0},{"id":10630,"questio
nId":7933,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"YES, a change","value":1},{"id":10631,"questionId":7933,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"NO, no change","value":0},{"id":10632,"questionId":7933,"scaleId":1098,"targetText":"N\/A, don't know","value":0}],"
sequence":1,"xLabel":null}],"sequence":1}],"spec":{"entryChecksum":3025314803,"entrySpec":"{\"name\": \"AD8\", \r\n \"copyright\": \"Copyright 2005. The AD8 is a copyrighted instrument of the Knight Alzheimer\r\n Disease Research Center, Wa
shington University, St. Louis, Missouri. All Rights\r\n Reserved. Reproduced with permission\", \r\n \"restartDays\": 2, \r\n \"content\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"i2371\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n \"text\": \"The instrument may be self-a
dministered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to\r\n administer the AD8 to an informant, if available. If an informant is not
\r\n available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to the patient. Rater\r\n should only rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.<br \/> <br \/>\r\n Remember, \\u0022Yes, a change\\u0022 indicates that there has been a
:3791,"choiceText":"N\/A, don't know","ien":106540,"legacyValue":null,"sequence":3}],"choiceDisplay":1443,"choiceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42164,"choiceTypeId":106538,"designator":2,"hint":null,"id":7922,"instrument":238,"introDis
change in\r\n the last several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.\"\r\n }, \r\n {\"id\": \"q7926\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"1. Problems with judgem
ent (e.g., problems making decisions, bad financial\r\n decisions, problems with thinking)\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The instrument may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to\r\n administer the AD8 to an informant, if
available. If an informant is not\r\n available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to the patient. Rater\r\n should only rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.<br \/> <br \/>\r\n Remember, \\u0022Yes, a change\\u0022
indicates that there has been a change in\r\n the last several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c3789\", \"text\": \"1. YES, a change\", \"quickKe
y\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3790\", \"text\": \"2. NO, no change\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3791\", \"text\": \"3. N\/A, don't know\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q7927\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"re
quired\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"2. Less interest in hobbies\/activities\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The instrument may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to\r\n administer the AD8 to an informant,
if available. If an informant is not\r\n available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to the patient. Rater\r\n should only rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.<br \/> <br \/>\r\n Remember, \\u0022Yes, a change\\u
0022 indicates that there has been a change in\r\n the last several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c3789\", \"text\": \"1. YES, a change\", \"qui
ckKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3790\", \"text\": \"2. NO, no change\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3791\", \"text\": \"3. N\/A, don't know\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q7928\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\",
\"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"3. Repeats the same things over and over (questions, stories, or statements)\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The instrument may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable t
play":1470,"introId":2371,"introText":"The instrument may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to administer the AD8 to an informant, \r\nif available. If an informant is not available, the AD8 questionnaire may be ad
o\r\n administer the AD8 to an informant, if available. If an informant is not\r\n available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to the patient. Rater\r\n should only rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.<br \/> <br
\/>\r\n Remember, \\u0022Yes, a change\\u0022 indicates that there has been a change in\r\n the last several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c3789
\", \"text\": \"1. YES, a change\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3790\", \"text\": \"2. NO, no change\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3791\", \"text\": \"3. N\/A, don't know\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\":
\"q7929\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"4. Trouble learning how to use a tool, appliance, or gadget (e.g., VCR, computer,\r\n microwave, remote control)\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The
instrument may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to\r\n administer the AD8 to an informant, if available. If an informant is not\r\n available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to the patient. Rater\r\n s
hould only rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.<br \/> <br \/>
\r\n Remember, \\u0022Yes, a change\\u0022 indicates that there has been a change in\r\n the last several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c3789\",
\"text\": \"1. YES, a change\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3790\", \"text\": \"2. NO, no change\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3791\", \"text\": \"3. N\/A, don't know\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q
7930\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"5. Forgets correct month or year\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The instrument may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to\r\n
administer the AD8 to an informant, if available. If an informant is not\r\n available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to the patient. Rater\r\n should only rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.<br \/> <br \/>\r\
ministered to the patient. Rater should \r\nonly rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.| |\r\n \r\nRemember, \"Yes, a change\" indicates that there has been a change in the\r\nlast several years caused by cognitive (thinking
n Remember, \\u0022Yes, a change\\u0022 indicates that there has been a change in\r\n the last several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c3789\", \"
text\": \"1. YES, a change\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3790\", \"text\": \"2. NO, no change\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3791\", \"text\": \"3. N\/A, don't know\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q793
1\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"6. Trouble handling complicated financial affairs (e.g., balancing checkbook,\r\n income taxes, paying bills)\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The instrume
nt may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to\r\n administer the AD8 to an informant, if available. If an informant is not\r\n available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to the patient. Rater\r\n should onl
y rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.<br \/> <br \/>\r\n Remember, \\u0022Yes, a change\\u0022 indicates that there has been a change in\r\n the last several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.\", \r
\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c3789\", \"text\": \"1. YES, a change\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3790\", \"text\": \"2. NO, no change\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3791\", \"text\":
\"3. N\/A, don't know\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q7932\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"7. Trouble remembering appointments\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The instrume
nt may be self-administered or can be read aloud. It is preferable to\r\n administer the AD8 to an informant, if available. If an informant is not\r\n available, the AD8 questionnaire may be administered to the patient. Rater\r\n should onl
y rate changes in the patient due to cognitive problems.<br \/> <br \/>\r\n Remember, \\u0022Yes, a change\\u0022 indicates that there has been a change in\r\n the last several years caused by cognitive (thinking and memory) problems.\", \r
\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c3789\", \"text\": \"1. YES, a change\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3790\", \"text\": \"2. NO, no change\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c3791\", \"text\":